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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/5/21

The Sky Is Fluorescent Green - Dr. Brown Continues to Cultivate the Big Election Lie

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'All this came to a head during Senator Rand Paul's interview with George Stephanopoulos when Paul refused to accept the "fact" that the election was stolen. Instead, Paul said, "Well, what I would say is that the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur. We never had any presentation in court. Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, a procedural way of not hearing it." Others, of course, believe that this is not true and that cases were thrown out by the courts because of lack of evidence or poor evidence. You can do the research and decide for yourself. What is clear, though, is that Sen. Paul is neither a Trump hack nor a rightwing extremist. Yet he, too, could not agree with the mainstream media's outright dismissal of claims of fraud. In the same way, Sen. Ted Cruz, even while calling Trump's insistence that he won by a landslide to be "reckless and irresponsible," still felt it was right to call for an investigation of claims of fraud. He explained, "What I've said is, voter fraud is real, and we need to examine the evidence and look at the actual facts. And, in particular, what is the evidence of how much voter fraud occurred, and did it occur in sufficient quantities and in sufficient states to alter the outcome of the election?" That would have been the mandate of the election commission--to assess."' - Dr. Michael Brown

Your placement of the word "fact" in quotes is exactly the problem! You keep muddying the waters. The president filed over 60 lawsuits regarding his fantasies about election fraud and produced zero evidence. Paul, who most certainly is a Trump hack, knows this quite well. As for your constant demonization of mainstream news? That only further fuels the problem. The news REPORTS the news. They did not dismiss fraud they reported correctly that it did not exist. They investigated the sky and indeed concluded that it was blue.

'Whether or not you like Cruz's politics, it cannot be denied that he is a sharp legal mind. Yet he, too, felt there were questions that needed to be answered. More forcefully, Red State columnist Stu Cvrk opined, "The election fraud drum needs to be banged until every American is aware of the MASSIVE election fraud during the 2020 elections. The implications are profound for future elections, and indeed, for every future action by federal and state governments, for if elections can be stolen with impunity, then we are no longer living in a constitutional Republic subject to the will of the people. Rather, we are living in a government-corporate oligarchy, as aptly described in a wonderful commentary by Angelo Codevilla. And the only way to resurrect our Republic is to slay the election fraud dragon!" But Cvrk's article is more than CAPS and exclamation points. There are other key links provided (most importantly this one), while Cvrk's conclusion is hardly overstated: "Our view is that the public needs to be much better educated regarding the election integrity issue--and having a more accurate understanding of the lawsuit component is a key part of that."' - Dr. Michael Brown

Ted Cruz has a brilliant political mind. He understands that the mere appearance of an official commission will forever stain the Biden presidency. We have systems and laws in this country. We follow them. We do not decide to add to them when we do not like the outcome. Within the article referenced By Brown is a perfect example of the kind of nonsense being floated to draw doubt into the hearts of Americans:

"Biden's vote totals in the four counties were 1.24 to 1.43 times greater than the totals for Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama (both elections). This is an absurd result, especially in the three Republican-leaning counties, given that Republican support for President Trump has hovered at 95% over the past year-plus. What is the probability that more Pennsylvanians in these counties voted for a thoroughly compromised candidate who did not even campaign down the stretch than voted for either Barack Hussein Obama or Hillary Clinton?" - John Droz Jr.

The only thing absurd is this garbage. There could be a hundred reasons why these four counties showed higher voter totals for Biden. Let's start with the fact that Biden had 16 million more votes than Clinton and Obama! Are we supposed to take this seriously? The non-objectivity cannot be clearer as Droz refers to Biden as thoroughly compromised. This may have been the opinion in the right wingnut blogosphere but back on earth it holds little merit.

"These concerns will not be swept under the rug, which is why I suggested in early December that Joe Biden should lead the way in calling for a full-scale investigation of all charges of fraud. Let the whole truth come to light. In the end, how could it hurt to do so? For some Trump voters, including me, the question of a stolen election does not have our attention. And from my perspective, for better or worse, God has appointed Biden to be our president, whether with or without fraud." - Dr. Michael Brown

The investigations are over. They have already been done. Recounts, in some instances by hand, have been done. Over 60 lawsuits adjudicated. They all came to the same conclusion whether Democratic or Republican - Biden won and it was not even close. What is more disturbing however is that you believe correctly that God appointed Biden to be president but you leave open the possibility that God used fraud to accomplish His will? The key verse assures us this is not possible. For some, the sky will always be fluorescent green but we do not have to continue to enable that deception. As Christians and leaders in the church we should always be found on the side of the truth. Brown Concludes:

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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