3. John the Baptist goes from the biblical forerunner of Jesus to an arrogant man whose interchange with Christ implies Jesus considered the law of God just to be about "breaking rules." This is another worldly lie that Jesus is all love and no condemnation.
4. Reinforcing Catholic tradition by lifting the role of Mary is found in the Chosen.
5. One writer is on record as saying the bible is good literature but not infallible, gulp.
6. Jenkins joked about adding stories to the biblical account because people who just want to read the bible won't be watching anyway.
7. Many biblical figures portrayed as drunks. Peter mocks John the Baptist as "creepy John."
8. To humanize Jesus, who is God, the script has him needing to rehearse scriptures and when Mary says she is proud he for some reason replies that she should wait to see "in case I mess up in front of such a big crowd." This is not creative license. It creates an absurd caricature of God. This is however exactly the way the world and the apostate church likes their god, weak, human and fallible.
9. Mary Magdalene claims she met Jesus in a bar, and he apparently flirted with her. She then recommends that John leave that part out of his book. Ridiculous.
10. In one interview they claimed The Chosen was creating a "multi-lane highway for relationships with Jesus." This relationship theology is straight up apostate church and NAR. There is only one way beloved. There is no multi-lane highway.