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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/21/20

This Week In NAR Absurdity -- God is a Capitalist

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He is so blinded by his NAR dominionism that he cannot see the hypocritical nature of his presentation. So the courtroom, classroom and public square have all rejected God? But wait a minute? I thought we were a capitalist society and that meant inherent morality? That is my point exactly. All of the dreaded rejections he cites all occurred under capitalism! Who cares what theories are gaining popularity? We are still beyond capitalist and lo and behold, it holds no moral sway whatsoever because men are inherently evil, regardless of how they want to slice the pie. Whatever God says about private property He says in relation to a theocracy, not a capitalist society. While there are slivers of capitalist theory there are also slivers of socialist theory. Bottom line is the land is the Lord's, not ours. We are pilgrims and sojourners. The Lord has no place to lay His head. Rohrer needs to actually read his bible instead of using it to prop up his dominionism.

'Rohrer added that while God embraces the tenets from which came the economic system called capitalism, thereby making capitalism moral, it also of necessity makes socialism, communism or "-ism" immoral and, therefore, evil. "It is no accident that socialism in any form rejects God as God, God as Creator and God as the ultimate owner of all creation," Rohrer said. "Under communism or socialism, 'profit' is a dirty word when it applies to individuals operating under capitalism and free enterprise. But capitalism is not perfect, because man is sinful, and government is always trying to control the other areas of individual, family, the church and commerce. But we must remain focused on the fact that God has delegated to man--not government--the role of steward or manager over creation and the environment. It is no accident that the profit--the rewards--of proper management of that property will result in prosperity, blessing and the ability for individuals to bless their neighbors, the poor and the needy, and to provide the tithe and offerings to the church to do what the church is to do."' - APN

God embraced no such thing. The bible is filled with warnings about money! It is primarily concerned with taking care of the least in society! This thinking is evil. God also has not embraced socialism. He does not care! He is God! Do you think He is concerned a whit what economic organizing system we use? Does the Christian living under totalitarianism or even Communism have lower standing before God than one who comes from America? This is idol worship, pure and simple. So man has been charged with stewardship over land and Rohrer thinks that this lends itself to capitalist theory? Who owns your house? Miss a payment and you will find out real soon that it ain't you. What about Eminent Domain? Sure capitalism allows the rich to bless the poor but it also causes those disparities! Not to mention that rich do not always bless the poor! I am not going to dignify the citation of the false tithing system here with a response. Just more shill from a shill. Thankfully this mess wraps up:

"APN hopes thousands will join the ministry for its national prayer movement called "52 Tuesdays," in which the faithful from around the country will come together to pray for the moral and spiritual renewal of our nation every Tuesday leading up to Election Day 2020. This dedicated season of prayer not only addresses the important 2020 presidential election but also other topics close to Christians' hearts. Prayer warriors nationwide can add their name to the growing "52 Tuesdays" list here. Rohrer, along with Pennsylvania Pastors Network Executive Director Gary Dull and North Carolina Pastors Network President Dave Kistler, invites cultural experts to discuss a variety of pressing topics and headlines from a biblical and constitutional perspective to Stand in the Gap Today. Archived programs can be viewed here; find a station here. Rohrer also hosts the daily short radio feature Stand in the Gap Minute, and "best of" shows from the week are broadcast on Stand in the Gap Weekend. Likewise, Stand in the Gap TV considers transcending complex and divisive cultural issues, seemingly difficult to navigate, from a biblical worldview perspective while bringing clarity to cultural confusion and making sense of the nonsense around us." -- APN

Let me cut through the code speak. They hope that you will join them in prayer so they can indoctrinate you into voting Republican in November. Listen, if that is your vote -- knock yourself out. Just do not confuse that with some kind of righteous stand or work for the Lord. That is the same NAR dominionist garbage that this entire piece was. Is God a capitalist? Of course not -- He is God! He desires us to stand in the gap for the lost. For the cause of the Gospel. Not for which way of divvying up the goodies of this carnal world seems best to our wicked carnal hearts. Stop objectifying God and recreating Him in our image.

Reverend Anthony Wade -Febr

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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