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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/21/18

This Week in Kris Vallotton -- Money Rocks and Religion Sucks

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This is a common refrain from the Bethel Church gang of experiential Christianity. They do not want the confines and guardrails that God has provided for us through His Word. They believe that what we experience and feel must be from the Holy Spirit and therefore it allows them to ignore Scripture that contradicts it. The "boxes" Kris refers to is known as Scripture. It is doctrine. The issue for Kris is always change but the question is who is his change agent because it sure isn't God. If it were, it would line up with His holy Word.

"Many of us find our inner man longing, stirring, and burning for the great adventure. Live or die, we must press through the walls of mediocrity and find the Promised Land of our souls. We live with a passion to be numbered among those who have gained fame in the halls of Heaven and are feared among the prison guards of hell. If we are going to walk as God's ruling royalty, we have to: Pray unceasingly, Give sacrificially, Dream unreasonably, Serve wholeheartedly, Love unashamedly, Walk innocently, Believe undoubtingly, and Live powerfully. These are the qualities of the Bride of Christ in all of her glory. She is called to be the most creative force on the face of the earth." -- Kris Vallotton

Because the god that Kris worships is himself, he is always chasing a greatness that he will never attain. Unless you count the infamy of being responsible for drawing so many people down the broad path that leads to destruction. The Bible encourages our inner man to be longing for obedience and burning for doctrinal zeal not looking for the next Six Flags over Jesus. If you want to be feared by these imaginary prison guards in hell then you really ought to start by opening the box you hate so much and study the Bible. As for these eight things Kris offers that we must do to "change the world"; let me apply the Bible. Nowhere in Scripture does it say we are to change this world. That is part of the NAR, dominionist agenda of churches like Bethel. Beyond that however, these eight things sound pious but are just empty words from a man who refuses to follow the Bible to begin with. These are the qualities of the Bride of Christ in all of her glory? Says no biblical text anywhere. She is called to be the most creative force on the face of the earth? Says who Kris? What chapter and verse are you reading from? Stop adding to the Word that you openly have so much disdain for.

"What stops us from living out this call as the Bride? I am convinced that religion is the problem, and it's the father of genetic cloning. Religion invented cloning long before the world ever thought of it. Religion has a way of sucking the most powerful people on the planet into a spiritual look-a-like contest, calling it discipleship. True discipleship is meant to empower people to be transformed into the image of their Creator, but religion redefines the terms, conforming people into replicas of their leaders. Religion takes God's mighty men and makes them artifacts in a museum." -- Kris Vallotton

As anticipated here is his assault on Christianity. The saddest thing is that Kris cannot see the truths right in front of his eyes because they are spiritually discerned. Jesus is His Word. The Word of God is His image. God did not provide us with the Bible so we would have something to read in our spare time. The spiritual look alike context is to become more and more like Christ. The Bible defines the terms Kris, religion merely tells you what they are. It is ironic that Vallotton references churches that conform people into replicas of their leaders. That is exactly what Bethel is. It is a cult of personality church where people worship Bill Johnson. It is not religion that is culpable however but the absence of it.

"Religious people, like the Pharisees of old, have the hardest time reaching out to folks who think "outside of the box" and don't behave inside their hopeless shackles. Part of the struggle comes from what they have done to the Savior of the world. They have sterilized the gospel. Jesus took water and turned it to wine, but 2,000 years later, today's Pharisees have diluted it to grape juice. The death of Christ paid for our sins, but it was His resurrection that gave life to our mortal bodies. Religion embraces death sadistically and moves the risen Christ out of the garden and back to the tomb. We have lost sight of the fact that the Cross was for the old man not the new man, and that the true Christian life is not about dying for Christ, but living in the life He purchased for us to establish His Kingdom on earth! The Church must shake off the shackles of religion and embrace our supernatural destiny." -- Kris Vallotton

Kris, seriously, what the heck are you babbling about? Your poor playing of the Pharisee card here only further reinforces your ineptitude regarding the Scriptures you abhor so much. I have no problem reaching out to people who think outside the box, or as we call them, unsaved. We do it the same way Jesus did it -- with the Gospel. I feel really badly that you think that the Gospel is nothing but hopeless shackles but that is what happens when you insist on living outside the bounds of doctrine. Religion does not move Christ into the tomb it just insists that if you are going to claim to preach Christ that you do so according to what He has actually said and not what your deceitful little heart has invented. You see the Bible says we were crucified with Christ and that He now lives in me. It says that in order to be a disciple we must pick up that cross you so casually tossed aside as being for the old man, and follow Him. Beloved if nothing else frightens you yet about this voracious wolf, please reconsider this one line:

""the true Christian life is not about dying for Christ, but living in the life He purchased for us to establish His Kingdom on earth!The Church must shake off the shackles of religion and embrace our supernatural destiny."

No. The true Christian life cannot start until you die for Christ. Until you are willing to crucify your old life with His. The rest of this quote however is at the heart of the deception Kris Vallotton believes and sells. It is straight up dominionism and NAR teaching that claims we must establish His kingdom here on earth. It is only arrogance and usurping the power of God to believe He needs our help with anything! We must not lose sight of what Kris is teaching people here. That the Bible is Pharisaical, crusty, shackling religion and only through the "supernatural" can one find God. Simply put, Kris Vallotton wants to make it up as he goes without being constrained by the Word of God. That leads to one of two possibilities and outcomes. He either lies with reckless abandon or because he actually plays around in spiritual realms he does not understand, like the Seven Sons of Sceva before him, that he cannot tell when he is actually being visited by demonic angels of light. For your consideration, a story from an article last week that he told:

'Years ago on I had one of those Sunday nights that was just really good; the message went well and I was prophesying over people and they were crying (which was a general sign that it was going well, ha!) I went home on a high and that night lay in bed and heard God laughing and say, "That was a good word YOU gave that lady at the end." I started to get worried, and apologized to God for getting so caught up in the moment. I went from a high to a quick low. He laughed and said, "Oh that's okay, I'll take care of it." I said, "How are you going to take care of it?!" and He replied, "What kind of a friend would I be if I only ever did what I wanted?"' -- Kris Vallotton

Assuming he is not lying, he engaged in a full conversation with some spiritual entity. We know it was not the Holy Spirit because the demon assured him that he would cover for his false prophecy. This is what happens when you abandon the safe confines of Scripture. So Kris and this demon had a good laugh about a false prophecy he gave some woman and Kris cannot see how this is simply demonic. Thankfully he finishes up this article:

"One of the strongest weapons we have against the religious mindset that puts us in boxes is a true connection with God as our Father. Understanding and experiencing the Father heart of God is an inoculation against the counterfeit of religion, which is simply works without relationship with the One who loves us the most. World changers know who their Daddy is, and they know what they have access to as the children of the King of Kings! We are all called to be history makers! Are you learning to carry His power and authority into every realm of society?" -- Kris Vallotton

The box is called the Bible. It is our true connection to the Father. It does not change and it is always right. Unlike if we leave everything up to our wickedly deceitful hearts and our "experiences." There is no such thing as the Father heart of God. Kris made it up. Beloved, if religion insists upon a biblical foundation for everything, and Kris Vallotton is selling a religion based upon things he makes up based upon his feeling and experiences, which is counterfeit? The notion of carrying His power and authority into every realm of society is simply heresy. It is the NAR seven mountains garbage. This world is not going to be saved. It is the Titanic and we already struck the iceberg. Jesus is the lifeboat. Religion points people to the lifeboat. Kris Vallotton calls the lifeboat a shackle and calls on his followers to rearrange the deck chairs instead. We are not all called to be history makers beloved. We are called to be obedient and proclaim the Gospel to the lost because the ship is going down. Do not listen to charlatans like Kris Vallotton telling you that the people pointing you to the lifeboat are just being religious. Don't believe me Beloved; believe His Word.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- February 21, 2018

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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