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Devotionals    H3'ed 4/21/23

This Week in the Apostate Church - James MacDonald, Ke$ha, & Dominionist Prophecy

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We're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die

Young hunks, taking shots

Stripping down to dirty socks

Music up, gettin' hot

Kiss me, give me all you've got

It's pretty obvious that you've got a crush (you know)

That magic in your pants, it's making me blush (for sure)

Yes, we all remember Jesus preaching from the mount about the magic in our pants don't we? Right after the section on celebrating the defeat of sin by shaking our posteriors in a sexually suggestive manner? No? Me neither. It turns out that Pastor Todd has never done a Resurrection Sunday sermon, so he instead wanted to put on a play that went "right to the edge." When asked for clarification he said, "We gonna' do everything short of sin.'" Well, you can start by going to a basic English class while you consider that you missed your own mark so pitifully. Look, there is simply no defense of this beloved. None. This is the biggest day in our faith! The day that Jesus defeats the grave! The day He rises to allow us to be reconnected to the Father and you choose to use sin, sex, and the world to "celebrate?" If that was bad enough it was not the reason why I wrote about it because I actually passed over this story a few days ago. Not today, because now Todd has the audacity and poor understanding of theology to publicly declare that 500 people were saved through this debacle. Let that sink in for a minute because if you think that is even vaguely possible, then you need to get out of your own apostate church.

I am trying to understand why anyone would think this is remotely plausible. Was someone weighing their sin and then when they saw the twerking the Holy Spirit convicted them? Was the worship set that day insufficient to consider Christ but once they heard Ke$ha singing about stripping down to dirty socks they decided to give their lives over? C'mon. as patently stupid this all is, it does reveal what the apostate church does to dupe its followers. I am assuming that TC held an altar call after the production where they mangled a short prayer and asked people to raise their hands if they wanted their own personal, cosmic bus boy - Jesus wing man. They counted the hands raised and reported 500 did so. All that really happened, assuming they are telling the truth, is that 500 people raised their hands. No one got saved. NO ONE. How can we be so sure? Because the key verse teaches us that the only thing that has the power of salvation unto God is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, TC claims the production, "showed how God's love conquered sin, death and the grave."

No, it did not. Look, this is not a game. Once King David had someone carry the ark who was not in the tribe God had set out and that man was struck dead. In the Book of Acts, we see Ananias and his wife Sapphira struck dead by God for mixing the holy and the profane. That is all this was. It was a secular play, with secular music, designed to fool a Christian audience. God does not work that way. We need to be more discerning that when mega-churches brag about their salvations or baptisms - nothing has changed in the heavenlies. Nothing.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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