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Devotionals    H3'ed 4/26/17

Unbiblical Mangle-dese -- Discerning The Language of False Prophets

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"Take Heart, My Prophets "Prophets of My heart, now is the time to stand and stand strong. Do not move to the left or the right, keep standing in the place where I have told you to stand. Fear, intimidation and confusion have come against many of you like a cloud--to cause you to withdraw or move in a direction that I am not leading you into. Do not move! Keep standing upon what I am saying, for a great awakening and increase of revelation of your authority in Me is taking place." -- Lana Vawser

There is usually a great awakening on the horizon for these false prophecies. A fantastic revival that is right around the corner. If believers would only stop looking to the left and right! While this sounds good and tickles the ears of the listeners, it is hardly biblical. The truth is the Bible does not promise a great end times revival beloved. It does however prophesy a great end times apostasy and Lana Vawser is part of that falling away.

"I am awakening you to the victory that you live in and walk in, in Me. I am increasing the anointing to prophesy over regions, cities, and nations and see a whole atmospheric shift take place in significantly loud ways. Prophets of My heart, many of you are moving further into your governmental mantle and the enemy is raging mad, but take heart, you are gaining ground. Take heart, a promotion is upon you. Take heart, I am increasing favor upon you. Take heart, I am increasing your influence for My glory and to extend My Kingdom." -- Lana Vawser

There's the atmospheric shift! I swear I did not read this through before I started writing! Another staple of these teachings is the complete abuse of the word "anointing." Let us start with the fact that in the Old Testament anointing was an act carried out by the pouring of oil upon the head of someone. Like Samuel did to the shepherd boy David, who one day would be king. This was an act of consecration for priests and kings. While the outward act was symbolic, inwardly God would provide them with the ability to carry out His will. As we move into the New Testament however, the meaning shifts (see what I did there). The term Christ itself means the anointed one. Consider now the actual meaning of this verse:

For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. -- Matthew 24: 24 (ESV)

False anointed ones! This warning is not that people will say they literally are Jesus Christ but rather that they are anointed, Christos. Performing great signs and wonders. I am amazed at the level of biblical illiteracy Christians display. Just because someone has correctly "read" you does not mean their divination was from God. Just because someone performed some signs and wonders does not mean they are from God. Beloved the Bible make it clear in multiple places that believers are the anointed ones now. That makes consistent sense. In the Old Testament the prophet was anointed to carry out and deliver the Word of the Lord but in the New Testament, God now has His church to deliver the Gospel. Back to the quote from the article we see the introduction of the term mantle, which is also abused today. The term mantle appears scantily in the Bible. The most famous reference is when Elijah passes on his mantle to Elisha. In all likelihood this is a sheepskin that was worn as clothing not some mystical magical artifact. But because Elisha asked for and accomplished double the amount of miracles as Elijah, the false prophets seize on it to pass around "mantles" to each other. It is all self-promotion however. I have the mantle for the nations! Yeah well I have a mantle for revival! False Prophetess Lana Vawser is claiming God is saying that many of the other false prophets will be further into their governmental mantle. What does that mean preacher? It is straight NAR talk. The NAR believes in conquering the seven mountains of cultural influence in order to facilitate the second coming of Jesus Christ and one of those mountains is government. Are we seeing the trend yet? There is an atmospheric shift that will result in people moving further into their governmental mantles during some form of awakening. Well, why didn't you just say so?

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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