* That there are horizontal apostles and vertical apostles.
* That the founder was "directed by the Lord" to ask C. Peter Wagner to be the "Presiding Apostle." Several years later, Wagner claims he was "directed by the Lord" to give back this role to the founder.
* That apostles have three basic characteristics - they are Ambassadors, General-Governors, and Patriarchs.
* To become an apostle, one must pay an annual fee of $450; $650 for married couples who both are apostles. If you are a Native American apostle, you get a $100 discount.
There is so much more to see but I hope the point has been made. What do all of these claims have in common? That's right, none of them are supported biblically. Then again, the entire claim of a second apostolic age is pure heresy. Why would God have not revealed that in His Word? You see Wagner and his ilk knew that the offices of Apostle and Prophet were closed at the end of the first Apostolic Age so to circumvent that they just pretended that God was putting the band back together. Of course no one can question any of it on its face because everything was given through supposed divine revelation. Let me illustrate how this works...
Wait a minute, the Spirit of God is speaking to me and confirming for me that C. Peter Wagner and the New Apostolic Reformation are false prophets, false teachers, and false apostles. Yes, it is confirmed in my Spirit.
See how easy that works? The only difference between my divine revelation and theirs is mine is supported by the Bible. The Word of God does not say anywhere that there are vertical, horizontal, presiding, convening or any other types of apostles that this group claims there are. It does not speak about charging dues in order to be an apostle. It does not speak about apostles being generals, governors, or patriarchs. Quite simply, none of this is true. It is all the fantasy and creation of little boys wanting to pretend they are little gods. The damage is far reaching too. You cannot walk a mile today without bumping into someone who claims to be an "apostle." Never mind that they meet none of the biblically specified qualifications. More importantly - who proclaimed them to be an apostle? What was their right to do so?
I have seen organizations run by wannabe apostles and prophets or even the equally ludicrous title of "psalmist." They will come out to your church and for the right amount of money they will lower the lights, play the manipulative music in the background as they sputter on an on about establishing a "prophetic culture" in your church. Try and teach people who they have no clue about their calling to move in giftings that only the Holy Spirit is supposed to administer. The saddest thing about all of these false movements is the complete lack of any discernment by so many people who follow them, support them, and swear by them. Forget the Bible - they are chasing man.
It is making a mockery of God. It is making a mockery of the apostles, nearly all of whom were martyred for their faith. It is making a mockery of the Holy Spirit by usurping the power and decisions that are within His responsibilities. It gives credence to the cessationist arguments that claim all of the gifts are no longer in operation. Fifty dollar apostle kits. Four hundred and fifty dollar annual apostle dues. Prophets claiming God told him who was gong to win the Super Bowl. Entire doctrines being created out of the thin air of carnality and then pawned off as a move of God. Thousands upon thousands of people being led like lambs to the slaughter; pursuing man. Pursuing the next great revelation. Pursuing the next great experience. No longer pursuing Jesus Christ. Beloved we have been warned:
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. - 2Timothy 4: 1-4 (NIV)