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Devotionals    H3'ed 3/18/19

Biblical Response to Francis Chan's Defense of Speaking at The Send Conference

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Why have you not publicly denounced certain preachers?

"I believe it is absolutely biblical to call out certain false teachers and beg people to run from their teachings. We see Paul do this in the scriptures. As I was growing in my faith, I was grateful for radio shows where false teachings were exposed. I have always wanted to be a person who did not shy away from controversy, boldly willing to call out false teachers. In my zeal, I often denounced teachers and denominations without having my facts in order. I was sometimes motivated by pride rather than love. I have had to repent before true brothers in the Lord that I one time slandered. As a dad, it's a terrifying thought to know that I inappropriately slandered one of God's sons or daughters. I still strive to boldly call out false teachers, but I have found it hard to collect accurate data. I am willing to do it, but I want to do it with caution. I will be judged for every careless word spoken (Matthew 12:36). Whether it is due to carelessness or a desire for fame, many Christians have fallen into the worldly practice of creating fake news. Exaggerations are made because it makes things interesting, driving more traffic to their sites, leading to greater revenue and attention. Over the years, many things have been said about me that simply are not true. I can't know the motives, but I am sure it is untrue. In the same way, friends of mine have been misrepresented and their reputations unfairly tarnished. I want to make sure that I am not guilty of the same thing." -- Francis Chan

Hard to collect accurate data? Seriously? This is the information age Francis! It has never been easier! Yes it should be done with caution and we never take the word of a single witness but YouTube alone can often carry the actual voice of the person in question. I remember once the discernment world blew up because Brian Houston was alleged to have said that we serve the same God as Islam. I scoured the Internet and found the sermon and listened intently and he did in fact say it. I realized however it was clearly not a sermon point and was said as something probably not even in his notes. I decided to wait a week and sure enough Houston came out said he misspoke. Good enough for me and to this day I defend him against that charge even though he remains one of the most dangerous false teachers alive today. As someone who operates a discernment ministry and deals with many others -- no one is in this for fame Francis. You are confusing us with the wolves you like to defend.

"We live in a time when it is hard to discover the truth about any one person because there are a slew of voices quick to state their opinions as fact. So I now have a team of people researching to try and differentiate between rumors and truth. As I gather that information, I will seek out the teachers and address the issues in a biblical manner (Matthew 18). I will pray for and seek their repentance in love. If there is not repentance, I believe it is right to warn against false teachers and separate from them. Having said all of that, I refuse to slow down in my preaching to the lost, caring for the local church, sending missionaries to unreached people groups, collecting and distributing aid to the needy, in order to research false teachers. It is important. I admit that I have not done enough research and will do more without neglecting the other responsibilities I have before the Lord." -- Francis Chan

You do not need a team Francis. You need a working computer. Secondly, you are misusing Matthew 18, which deals when a brother personally sins against you. That is not what is going on here. This is dealing with people presenting a false gospel and the key verses make it clear you are to count them accursed! The bible also says to mark them! No one is asking you to "slow down" your preaching. C'mon. You created a virtual church with no building that only meets twice a month! Surely you have the time. If you wish to consider the attendees of The Send unreached I would agree! If you go speak to them however it does no good to preach soundly and then take a selfie with Todd White. I am glad you admit that you need to do more but based on your refusal here to deal with the real problems, paint me skeptical.

"One final thought- We should all be careful to guard against false teaching of any kind. In the process of refuting false teachers, however, we can unintentionally falsely accuse good teachers. That might be equally harmful to His Kingdom. God desires unity in His body, so it is no small crime to bring division into the church.

"As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him." Titus 3:10

"Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple." 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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