"IHOP had no choice but to proceed with its investigation. The report came out yesterday and from the advocate group's perspective it's incomplete but they chose not to participate and that's unfortunate because IHOP didn't have access to the information they claim to have. I don't think IHOP is in crisis mode anymore. The only real crisis anymore is coming from the constant bombardment of accusation from the outside." - Eric Volz
Are you catching what Volz is doing? It is now the victims that are to blame for any shortcomings with the sham report from McNamara. Volz even mocks that Boz had complained about some "unfortunate things" that were on the website of the Lathrop Group, lawyers employed by IHOP. What he fails to mention is that on their website they were bragging about three legal wins they had defending those charged with clergy abuse! That is what their business is! Gee, I wonder why the advocacy group said no to them? Not only is he casting the blame on the victims, but he is again casting IHOP as the victim! The only crisis is the constant bombardment from the outside? He recorded this before the new 14-year-old Jane Doe accusation, so these comments are sure not aging well. Maybe there is time now for Bickle's sister to head up that investigation. Ridiculous. As the interview is now winding down Eric Volz is asked if he thinks Bickle did anything wrong.
"For sure, he admitted it. He acknowledged it to us when we questioned him. The things he has acknowledged took place over 20 years ago. He denies the allegations of spiritual abuse. There's just a lot of confusing story points. One of the main ones being that he would use the same phrase about his wife dying. He gave a really believable explanation for that, privately. So that's not for me to share. That is something that would come out in an investigation if those people making that claim would participate with a future investigation. Again, without seeing evidence, he is innocent until proven guilty. So, I agree with the McNamara report that he engaged in inappropriate sexual contact, clergy misconduct but I don't think you can conclude there was abuse until an investigator is given the opportunity to question those women claiming they were abused. I just do not believe an accuser is automatically above an accused." - Eric Volz
No one is making the argument that the accusers were above the accused as a default position. We are beyond that point now. The Jane Doe number one story is verified and led to IHOP officially cutting all ties with Bickle. Mike has himself started to own up to somethings while trying to pretend others are somehow untrue. He denies abuse because he understands how damming those charges are and Volz is running cover for him by claiming inappropriate sexual contact and clergy misconduct do not somehow rise to the level of abuse. I am reminded of Bill Clinton's deposition when he tried to parse the definition of the word "is." Maybe the new charges involving the then 25-year-old Bickle and his 14-year-old victim will help clarify things for Volz regarding what constitutes abuse and what doesn't. Maybe then he will stop repeating the sorry talking point that the crimes were over 20 years ago, as if that matters to God. As if sexual abuse only counts if you get caught within a 20-year window. Eric Volz is simply not believable here at all. So Bickle gave a really believable explanation for why he was telling all of these young girls that he wanted to have sexual contact with that his wife was going to die. Really? You'd like to tell us but it's the advocate group's fault for why you can't? Please Eric, you are embarrassing yourself and bringing repudiation onto the name of Jesus Christ.
At one point, Volz speaks about a statistician who estimates half of the prayer in the past 25 years has come up out of IHOPKC. Putting aside the ludicrous nature of such a statement, what does that matter to whether or not Mike Bickle is a predator or not? You see, it supports their spiritual cover story that this is all spiritual warfare. That the real target is not Bickle but the unbiblical, 24-7 prayer movement that Bickle founded based on lies and false prophecies. As if God is somehow pleased with that. They refuse to see the judgement right in front of their own faces. Towards the end of the video, the fanboy interviewer gushes that Volz said he was prepared to die for the prayer movement. Well, it seems professionally and spiritually he has finally told the truth.
Reverend Anthony Wade - February 9, 2024