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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/16/21

Debunking Dominionist Arguments Regarding Critical Race Theory

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Once again, simply untrue. The 3/5th compromise in the Constitution regarded slaves as being worth 3/5th of a human being for the purposes of determining population for representation in Congress while insisting that the slaves had no voting rights. That sure sounds like slavery being acknowledged in the Constitution. Beyond this we see Hyatt keep returning to his ridiculous premise that America was on the forefront of ending slavery when the truth is the complete opposite. It took a Civil War and 750,000 dead Americans to settle the matter and remember that if the South won, slavery might have continued for another 100 years. That does not even get into how the freed salves were treated or how a 100 years later we still had segregation and Jim Crow. I am not arguing that America as an institution was racist but some of her practices sure were. Some still are today and sticking your head in the sand while screaming about Dr. Benjamin Rush and the ancient Armenians does not help the cause.

"Truth #5: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Would Be - Adamantly Opposed to Critical Race Theory

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be opposed to Critical Race Theory on three major points.

1. He envisioned a colorblind society in which people would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. He made this clear in his "I Have a Dream Speech" when he said he looked forward to a time when his four children would live in a nation where "they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." CRT proponents, on the other hand, judge everything and everybody by race and skin color.

2. He believed in America and writing from the Birmingham City Jail referred to America's "sacred heritage." Dr. King was very aware of America's flawed and sinful history, but he also saw that there was something sacred, holy, and of God in her founding. In this same letter he speaks with pride and respect of the Pilgrims, Thomas Jefferson, the 'majestic" Declaration of Independence, and Abraham Lincoln. CRT proponents, on the other hand, insist that America is evil and corrupt and must be dismantled and replaced with a socialist/Marxist state.

3. He was adamantly opposed to communism and Marxism. He expressed this many times and would not allow avowed communists to have any public role in the 1963 March on Washington that he led. CRT, on the other hand, is based on Marxism and its founders are avowed Marxists.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was very aware of America's flawed history, but he respected the dream of America's founders for a land of individual and religious liberty. He believed that southern segregation of the 1960s was out of character with America's founding and represented a falling away from her founding principles. In his iconic I Have a Dream speech, he clearly rooted his dream for racial equality in the original dream of America's founders. He declared, "I have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream." - Eddie Hyatt

We can sum this one up to the old, "I have a black friend" defense of why you are not personally racist. As for the silly talking points about a man he never knew, Hyatt once again misses the point. CRT does not seek to judge everything by the color of skin, just that we represent history correctly. Dr. King never advocating for the whitewashing of our historical record. Secondly, CRT is not some secret plan to dismantle society and install Marxism and that accusation is absurd and political in nature. The larger point here is why someone who claims to be a minister of the gospel, is writing against a movement designed to tell the truth about the history of this country. These truths can co-exist. America can be a great nation and have some real flaws in her history. America can still be a great nation and recognize that kneeling on a man's neck for nine minutes until he dies is not the best way to protect and serve the public. The key verse is the opening line of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. There is a reason why Jesus makes the Samaritan the hero of this parable. The Samaritans were despised by the Jewish people in the days Jesus walked the earth. They were considered half-breeds. If that kind of hatred, based solely on ethnicity, sounds familiar than you are starting to get the point. We are Christians beloved, not American Christians. Not white Christians. God does not play the hateful games we play. Do you think Jesus was white? Israel is in the Middle East! It is time for Christians to stop allowing themselves to be used by the hate-filled politics of man. Critical race theory is not some Marxist boogeyman trying to take away your identity. Unless you have based your identity upon lies. In which case as Christians, you should be always thankful for the truth.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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