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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/10/19

Encouraging Women to be Disobedient to Celebrate Mother's Day

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Grady is dabbling in hyperbole here. Nobody is suggesting that women only serve as babysitters and cooks. It is also not a matter of inferiority. It is a matter of what roles God has set up for each of us in His church. Notice that he never refuted the Timothy verses because he knows he cannot. Instead he is forced into a game of whataboutisms. What about Phoebe! What about Junia! Yeah, what about the clear directive scripture you have in your hand?

"We don't give the Holy Spirit full control. Paul the apostle wrote: "There is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28b). He understood the amazing equality of the Holy Spirit, who gives spiritual gifts to "each one" (1 Cor. 12:11b)--not according to gender, class or race but according to God's choice. God chooses whom He wills; He does not qualify based on human criteria. This means we must affirm the valid gifts and callings of our sisters. If God calls an Esther to lead, we should not hide the scepter from her." -- J. Lee Grady

God does not give gifts that would violate His own Word, period. That does not mean that there cannot be women with great oratory gifts but such people exist outside the church as well. Let me address the Galatians verse cited since it is a favorite argument of Christo-feminists. Barnes Notes explains it better than I can summarize:

It does not mean that no respect is to be shown to those in office, or to people in elevated rank. It does not mean that all are on a level in regard to talents, comforts, or wealth; but it means only that all people are on a level "in regard to religion." This is the sole point under discussion; and the interpretation should be limited to this. It is not a fact that people are on a level in all things, nor is it a fact that the gospel designs to break down all the distinctions of society. Paul means to teach that no man has any preference or advantage in the kingdom of God because he is a rich man, or because he is of elevated rank; no one is under any disadvantage because he is poor, or because he is ignorant, or a slave. All at the foot of the cross are sinners; all at the communion table are saved by the same grace; all who enter into heaven, will enter clothed in the same robes of salvation, and arranged, not as princes and nobles, and rich men and poor men, in separate orders and ranks, but mingling together as redeemed by the same blood, and arranged in ranks according to their eminence in holiness -- Barnes Notes on the Bible

"We are afraid of "feminizing" the church. Some insecure Christian men complain that there are already too many women making decisions in the church. One author even demanded that flowers be removed from church altars because they are feminine! My response: The same God who created deer antlers and buckskin also made carnations and orchids. Genesis 1:26-28 says God created male and female in His image. Only when we have men and women functioning in their full capacity in the church will we see His image fully manifested. It took both Abraham and Sarah to give birth to Israel; God wants both genders involved in His work." -- J. Lee Grady

Really? So now God cannot even have His image fully manifested unless this vision of Grady's comes to pass, despite what the bible actually says! I am not going to address the silly examples he gives to prop up his side. Obviously flowers are allowed in church. You would probably not however have so many flowers that the aisles become blocked or people could not see the pulpit. Why? Because that would not be orderly and God is a God of order. Flowers have their roles as do men and women. Both genders should be involved in the work of the kingdom just the designated work.

"We associate women leaders with a liberal agenda. In the United States, many of the women who hold political office do not reflect Christian moral values. For this reason, some people automatically associate women preachers or pastors with a radical feminist agenda. This is unfair. In America's past, some of the greatest leaders of social change were women who held Christian beliefs--brave women like Harriet Tubman, Phoebe Palmer and Sojourner Truth--but they would have been uncomfortable with today's liberal agenda. We need an army of women leaders who will speak as prophets on the national stage." -- J. Lee Grady

This is a mess now. First of all, we should never be comparing ourselves to the world. Most Christians believe correctly however that the feminist agenda starting in the late 1960s has led to the moral decay of the family and this country. Either way however that has nothing to do with the management of God's church and it does not change the key verses.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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