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Devotionals    H3'ed 4/13/18

Francis Chan Goes Full Heretic -- Says God will Kill You if You Criticize Wolves

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Whoa. Did Francis Chan just go full ecumenical on us? Beloved this is how the one world religion will come to be. With smooth and reasoned sounding men like Francis Chan singing Kumbaya all the way. Our job as discerning Christians is not to assess the sincerity of people, the depths of their hearts, or how convincing their vocal exhortation for Christ is. The Bereans did not judge the heart of Paul - they measured his teaching against what Scripture taught them. When Simon the Sorcerer tried to buy the power of God, Peter did not dismiss it because he claimed to love the Lord. There are not "different expressions" of the Gospel. There is only one. Everything else is believing in vain. So you better be careful Francis because you are putting a lot of faith in the hearts of men and your ability to read those hearts despite the fact that the Bible assure us that the human heart is desperately sick and the most deceitful thing ever made. Just saying.

"And I'm reading this and I'm like 'God, how come more people aren't dead?' And here's what I heard from the Lord: THEY HAVEN'T BEEN WARNED." -

"...And now He says 'you're that temple.' And if anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. You wanna be on the right side of His protection."

Francis Chan

No Francis, you did not hear that from God. You heard it from your wickedly deceitful heart. You see beloved, this was the set up. He first talked about the wrath of God upon people like Uzzah and Ananias and Sapphira. Then he tried to make the point that people are the temple of God in the New Testament and thus attacking God's leaders is like taking a sledgehammer to the temple of the Lord and now apparently, Francis Chan is threatening anyone showing an ounce of discernment with death if they dare point out the truth. After all, now we have been warned that God will kill us if we point out that Rick Warren has done more damage to Christianity than anyone in history. Or if we point out that Mark Driscoll is a thief escaping church discipline. Because Chan has apparently turned in his bible let us not forget that Uzzah was killed because he was disobedient. He never should have been in position to touch the Ark to begin with. Likewise, Moses was disobedient when he struck the rock. Ananias and Sapphira were being disobedient in that they thought they could lie to the Holy Spirit. Are you sensing a pattern yet Francis? You are defending man over doctrine. You are overlooking false teaching in favor of knowing the hearts of these leaders. It is you who is being disobedient. You have aligned yourself now with the man who destroyed the western church in Rick Warren and a fugitive from church justice in Mark Driscoll. Not to mention the guy you love, one of the falsest prophets in the past 30 years, Mike Bickle. Maybe you did hear this warning from God after all. Maybe He was talking to you.

"It's gonna be the unity of the Church that's gonna get the world to believe." - Francis Chan

No Francis it is not. Unity is what will bring about the antichrist and the one world religion. There is only one thing that can get people to believe and that is the Gospel. Not the gospel according to Rick where you preach banal self-help sermons and empty motivational seminars. It is not the gospel of Passion Conference. The unity of the church is what is going to lead so many down the broad path that leads only to destruction. Everyone holding hands, skipping along, shouting "touch not my anointed" should anyone get to close with the truth. Much of the church today is already skipping down that path. We can be assured now that Francis Chan has joined them.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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