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Devotionals    H3'ed 11/13/20

Get Ready to Unlock Wealth from the Courts of Heaven! Or Not.

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"In Genesis 26 it says Jacob sowed in the famine and in the same year reaped 100 fold. I was teaching on this to a group of 5000 people when the Lord spoke to me and said, "tell them the reason Jacob sowed in the famine was he understood that the covenant had more power than the famine. So when we understand that our covenant with Jesus then we will sow in the time of famine and reap 100 fold. That's the economy of heaven." - Robert Henderson

There is so much wrong with this presentation. For starters, it was Isaac, not Jacob. Secondly, God audibly told him to settle where he did and he would bless him because of the faithfulness of Abraham. Third and most important, this is not a prescriptive text. Just because one time, thousands of years ago God told Isaac to sow in the middle of a famine that does not mean that people unfortunate enough to be listening to Robert Henderson or Jennifer LeClaire should as well. Especially when we know that the "sowing" these hucksters are speaking about is cold hard cash. In response, LeClaire actually says that if we do not understand the economy of heaven then we might come into a "windfall" and not know how to get back. Ah yes, the old "windfall theology" preached by no one in the bible.

"I was speaking to a crowd out of Proverbs 6 where it says your poverty will come on you like a thief. The word "your" jumped out at me. We have to understand that there is poverty assigned to you and if you give it legal right it will determine your future. We inadvertently come into agreement with a poverty spirit assigned to us and it begins to devour us. It begins to determine our future instead of what God says about us. Because it says poverty is like an armed man we know poverty is not a condition but an entity. We think our poverty is a result of our condition. No. It is because we come into agreement with an entity that now has the right to devour you." - Robert Henderson

I guess Bill Gates had only a little poverty assigned to him? Beloved this is just silly. Those loyal Christians in the underground church in China? It seems they must have come into agreement with their assigned poverty. Our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters must have allowed their poverty to devour them. Poverty is not an entity. It is not a spirit. Mercifully, Henderson closes with this doozy:

"Deuteronomy 8:18 says He has given us power to get wealth so that His covenant purposes may be done on the earth. That means God needs a wealthy people to accomplish His will." - Robert Henderson

Uhm, no. God is God alone. He does not need our help one iota in accomplishing His covenant purposes on this earth. It is His creation. Realize what Henderson and LeClaire are advocating for. The not so subtle message is that the creator of the universe cannot achieve His will on earth unless we are rich. Utter blasphemy. I remember year ago if someone asked me if I thought God wants us poor I would reflexively say no! Now I realize that if that is the question on your heart then the answer is yes. Do not follow hucksters like LeClaire and Henderson. Mark them and avoid them. Oops, there goes my religious spirit again"

Reverend Anthony Wade - November 13, 2020

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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