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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/9/17

I Survived Dr. Michael Brown's Radio Show and I Didn't Even Get a Lousy Tee-Shirt

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But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. -- Matthew 12: 28 (ESV)

Mind you, Dr. Brown does not cite these verses in their entirety. He states in regards to Johnson's heresy,

"Jesus Himself says that. I can only do what I see the Father doing. The spirit of the Lord is upon me. I drive out demons by the Spirit." -- Dr. Michael Brown

Beloved, you do not cobble verse fragments together like this. It is very deceptive. The first verse is not Jesus affirming His lack of divinity but the exact opposite. The missing context is right before this verse the Bible states the Pharisees were upset because by calling Himself the Son of God He was making Himself equal to God. Verse five is Jesus claiming that exact divine truth. The second verse is Jesus quoting from Isaiah and if all you walk away from this story is that somehow because He references the Spirit He must not be divine, then you have missed the point. He announces right after that this scripture is fulfilled through Him! How in the world is that setting aside His divinity? The last verse is as close as Brown gets to making his point but it still is a swing and a miss. Johnson's teaching, which Brown supports, makes no biblical sense. So because Jesus operated under the power of the Holy Spirit that meant He was not divine? Is not the Holy Spirit part of the Trinity? Are not all three divine? There are plenty of scriptures in the gospels where Jesus references the Father directly. This is simply a false teaching and Dr. Brown would know better if he didn't want to reflexively defend every charismaniac he runs into. At this level of disagreement, Brown goes to what he always relies on, personal testimony:

"Anthony, I know the man. I have sat face to face with him. I know people that have been in his church for years and years and years. What you are representing is not what he believes. -- Dr. Michael Brown

He then accuses me of misrepresenting Scripture. I call him on it immediately as that is something I take very seriously. He claims that I misrepresented about the gifts of the Spirit, which I most certainly did not, and then says I misrepresented what Bill Johnson teaches. I point out the obvious. That what Bill Johnson teaches is not Scripture. Knowing someone is not on par with the truth of Scripture. It does not matter how many people you know that go to Bethel it only matters what they teach. Dr. Brown closes by claiming I am of a totally different spirit and filibusters the remaining two minutes chiding me that I have left the things of the Spirit and claiming that he gets death threats every day. Beloved, if you listen to this twenty minute conversation some things become apparent:

1. It did not matter which Johnson heresy I led off with. Michael Brown planned to jump me the second I offered any criticism to act bewildered that I would call Johnson a heretic. Operating a school that teaches the actual gifts of the Spirit is rank heresy. While we are at can we please demystify this term. Heresy simply means teaching something different than the Bible. If you persist in such teaching and refuse correction, you are a heretic. If you enable such heretics, you are a gatekeeper for them.

2. To defend the indefensible, Brown will misuse scripture, bully people, and lie about the very teachings that are on record from the heretics he defends.

3. Dr. Brown will go beyond reason and sane rationale to defend Charismania. Here are two quotes I want you to digest as we close:

"Your Double Harvest Miracle - Are you ready for God to do the "impossible" in your life! Are you ready to see your harvest doubled? Are you ready to see your debt cancelled in the next 90 days? Imagine not dreading going to the mailbox, no bills piling up on your counter, and no calls from collectors coming to your home. God wants to wipe your debt out! Every bit of it and in the next 90 days! This is an appointed hour. Imagine: Your $100 gift immediately doubles to $200. Your $500 seed literally becomes $1,000. If God leads you to plant $10,000, it instantly grows into a $20,000 seed! And your double seed, sown bountifully, will reap bountifully through the supernatural law of multiplication! Only God could provide something like this--a double harvest for you." -- Benny Hinn, 2013

"I did write him (Benny Hinn) a very strong appeal with concerns about the way he raises funds in his ministry. I didn't hear back" -- Dr. Michael Brown, 2017

Dr. Brown. The above quote from Benny Hinn is not an outlier. It is what he does for a living. It is why he is worth over 42 million dollars. It is money he stole from the sheep he then devoured. There is no "double harvest miracle." God never said this to Hinn yet he claims to speak for God and promises people twice their money back for what they give to him. This is not a mechanism for raising funds for ministry. Surely a man as learned as you must know that somewhere deep in your heart. This is a scam. Benny Hinn is the huckster the Bible warns us about making merchandise off the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is not fund raising. He is robbing poor people and devouring widow's homes. Yet despite that you must have felt some conviction to write him a "very strong appeal" and despite him never answering you and despite him lying to you about airing your hyper grace show so he could air a "carnal fundraiser" as per your own words I asked you if you still consider him a brother in Christ and you said:

"I have no reason not to." -- Dr. Michael Brown

I was on your show for twenty minutes today. You called me a liar, accused me of misrepresenting scripture, said that people will condemn me to hell and that I am of a different spirit. In twenty minutes on the telephone. But a man who fleeces the very flock of God for a living you see no reason to not call a brother in Christ. Brother Steve Kozar was right. I should not have gone on your show today but I am glad in a way. You are on record now Dr. Brown. You defended a man who thinks he can teach the very gifts of God and a man who claims God told him that you need to sow 10 grand into his ministry so God can pay you back 20 grand. These are your brothers you said. Good brothers you said. Yet our key verses remind us who Jesus says our actual brothers are. They who do the will of the Father. Is teaching what only God can give and promising money from God doing the will of the Father? Then you say that I will be held for every careless word, which we all will. Yet the irony walks right on by you and you are so blind to your own inherent biases that you cannot even see it. You said at the end of our conversation today that you reached out to me for me. Another irony because I told people I was willing to go back on your show for you. I had hopes that I could reach you but you didn't want to be reached. You wanted to jump me. Good job. I still got you to defend Bill Johnson by lying through your teeth and openly declaring that Benny Hinn is your brother. Not bad for twenty minutes of work considering you probably only gave me three of those minutes to speak. Take care Dr. Brown. Say hi to Benny for me.

I expect two hellos in return.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- June 9, 2017

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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