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Devotionals    H3'ed 1/14/19

John Gray -- Sex, Lies, and Lamborghinis

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"And then I prayed for them and him and the devil loses. Because what's not going to happen is you tell me that I'm going to lose my purpose because somebody whispered to a 16 year old John? The devil is a liar. I'm standing with my husband and you can go on back to the pits of hell where you came from. Was I upset? Yes. Was I heartbroken? Yes but you better learn how to get in there, what's the vows? Better and worse. So when the worse shows up you don't run away. When the worse shows up you pray. Now I might have said a few words and told him to sleep on the couch however when the word is inside of you and you know what your position is, everything else is false. I know who I am. I am the rib that God took from him. I'm his rest in brokenness, RIB, until he wakes up and understands who he is. You pray wife while the devils run away. Amen. Don't give up to soon or he wins. But he couldn't have this purpose. He knew what this was (pointing to the audience). He was coming for y'all that's why he came for us. We know better. I see you devil but you don't want it with me! I get in the eyes of the devil! Do you hear me! You can't have this here devil! I don't care! I just look cute but the devil don't want it with me! I put scripture on that strange woman. She don't want it with me! She don't want it with y'all! Amen!" -- Aventer Gray

Wow. So not only does she blame this as a satanic attack but the reason they were attacked is the flock at Relentless Church! The devil was coming for them so he attacked them by making John Gray have sex with someone other than his wife? Seriously? I give her credit for saying that one stays true to their vows even during the worst of times but that means that your spouse repents. Not that you aid him in finding outside sources to blame. This highlights a prolific problem in the modern church. Anything positive in our lives is assigned the status of blessing from God and anything negative is assigned as an attack from the devil. Sometimes our flesh is what our flesh is. Sin does not need to be excused beloved. I have heard a myriad of sources to blame for why John Gray chose to have sex with someone outside his marriage. I have heard that it is the fault of the purpose driven machinery that only cares about him as a producer. I have heard that it was really the fault of a fatherless upbringing. I have heard it is the fault of the congregation he was serving. I have heard it is the fault of the devil. What I have not heard is that it was John Gray's fault. Instead we hear tales of places of brokenness where the victim John Gray was forced into taking his clothes off to have sex with someone other than his wife.

"So you want me to leave my husband because you spoke to the 16 year old that couldn't get a date. And he listened. So I'm supposed to leave my husband because you spoke to a place of brokenness that had not yet been submitted back to the Father. Don't let the devil push you out of your purpose. People love to hijack your purpose. They wanted to hijack y'all by coming for this. But it's a no devil." -- Aventer Gray

Not content with the complete emasculation John Gray has suffered so far, his wife now reveals the true culprit. That strange woman she has now put scripture on was speaking to the 16 year old John Gray who couldn't get a date! Because John was apparently only 16 in his mind at that time he listened. Aww, everyone feel bad for John Gray because he couldn't get a date when he was 16.

Beloved, do not think I am heartless. These are serious considerations to discuss in therapy or marriage counseling. Where they do not belong however is tacked on to the end of a sermon designed to deflect guilt and blame everyone except the guy who chose to take his clothes off to have sex with someone other than his wife. My concern for John Gray is the same as it would be for anyone else who finds themselves in his position. Adultery is not the unpardonable sin. One can truly repent of it and one can truly forgive their spouse of it and move on to a restored marriage. That same restoration is available for one's walk with the Lord. We should pray for people in such situations that they truly repent to be truly forgiven.

At the same time however I can remain concerned about the sheep. What has the sheep at Relentless Church learned from this incident? That there are no ramifications from an adulterous lifestyle. That one can try and sweep it under the rug and if caught, just pass the blame off to as many other parties as possible. Of what moral standing does John Gray have left anymore to preach anything to his flock? None but then we are forced to come back to the key verse for today and realize that while this displays his refusal to guard his life, he abandoned guarding his doctrine a long time ago. As such, he does not choose to stand on any moral ground whatsoever to provide encouragement to the people who come to hear him speak. He just nods and winks and hands the mic off to Pastor Aventer. His RIB and her purpose; caught up in the Purpose Driven Industrial Complex that cares nothing for them but allows them to bleed to death in the Lamborghini of their choosing.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- January 14, 2019

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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