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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/3/17

Jory Micah -- Feminist Advocate, Writer & Preacher of a False Gospel

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Religion is a word that God has ordained in His Word! In fact He goes to specific lengths to differentiate between worthy and worthless religion. I am sure that Jory Micah has little issue with the stipulation to visit orphans and widows in their affliction but she fails wildly on the keeping oneself unstained from the world. Her entire doctrine is worldly and carnal. Note here however what she actually speaking against. To Micah, it is religion that judges and is demanding. No Jory -- God does and God is. We can see the slide towards the sloppy agape theologies within her talking points here. God doesn't judge? You better go back and re-read the Bible Mrs. Micah. Not only that but just because God says you should not be teaching with authority over man does not mean you will not be judged by the standard of one who teaches. For every careless word and ever sheep you lead astray. Their blood will be upon your head is what Acts 20 teaches us. You think God is not demanding? Perhaps that is because you have not submitted. Perhaps that is because every time He tries to place a demand upon you the reaction is to scream "oppression!"

"The true God is love; full of abounding kindness, grace, & mercy. The more we know God, the more we become like love. The more we become like love, the more we become our most truest selves." -- Jory Micah

Now we come to the full throated sloppy agape doctrines. It is no surprise that we arrived here. Jory Micah left sound doctrine once she decided she knew better than God when it came to her role. God is most certainly full of abounding kindness, grace and mercy. So much so that He waits patiently for all of us to repent, including Jory Micah. Make no mistake however. Eventually the age of grace ends and then Jory Micah will find out that God is also filled with abounding wrath and abounding justice. The more we know God the more we become like love? Is this San Francisco in the summer of 1967? The truly sad thing is that for someone who has a Master's Degree in Theology, Jory Micah sure does not seem to get Scripture. If you want to see your truest self, read Romans 3. All have turned away. The venom of asps is upon our lips. Our throats are like open graves. None seek God. None. Now the more we know His Word, the more we understand that love apart from doctrine is cruelty. To tell someone that God loves them and to not tell them what He requires? That might be Jory Micah's idea of what love is but it sure is not God's.

"Without the voices of female preachers on Sunday mornings, you & your congregation are missing half of the story." -- Jory Micah

Says absolutely no biblical text anywhere. Note however the underlying belief. Beloved the gospel is no preacher's story; male or female. It is God's story. It is the story of Jesus Christ. I no more want to hear a male preacher's opinion than I want to hear Jory Micah's. I want to hear the Gospel and that is always God's opinion. I do not need the female perspective any more than the male. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. Is any of this ringing a bell Mrs. Micah?

BIG NEWS: I AM STARTING A "CHURCH," WITH MY HUSBAND BY MY SIDE. "Here is the bottom line: Why should women continue to pay thousands of dollars to be trained in conservative evangelical colleges and seminaries that are not going to offer them equal job opportunities after they graduate? As for me, I am no longer willing to wait around for these types of churches to start practicing what they preach. God called me to be a minister when I was 13 years old; I am now 33; so it's time for me to move forward, and start my own church, with my husband by my side, as my partner." -- Jory Micah

The fact that your husband does not know his role is not proof that you understand yours. What I always love about discernment ministry work is that eventually false teachers reveal the truth. Here we see the true motivation for Jory Micah. It is not that everyone misinterpreted gender roles for thousands of years. It is not to correct some grand Scriptural injustice. No. It is about equal opportunity. Why should she pay all that money to be told God said she cannot hold authority over men? She openly brags then about no longer being willing to wait. I am sorry Mrs. Micah but that was not God who called you at age 13. At least not to preach or teach with authority over man. How do I know? Because the bible tells me so and as much as you want to believe that God is bigger than what He has already said -- you are wrong. The key verses are incontrovertible. The context is undeniable. Paul is giving instructions to Timothy as he heads off to lead the Church at Ephesus. The very same church Paul declares he is free from their blood because he did not hesitate to proclaim to them the entire will of God. The statement in the key verse is very clear. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man. In this regard she must remain quiet. God does not stop there. He knew there would be the Jory Micah's of the world who would not like the idea of being told they need to be quiet when it came to certain things. So he included the reason! He actually included two reasons! First because Adam was created first! Interesting that it ties back to the first point made in this devotional. Secondly however is that it was Eve that was deceived and became a sinner. I know it has become popular in the modern politically correct church to share the blame or even blame Adam since he was the head. This verse eviscerates those false teachings. Eve was deceived. Eve became a sinner. As a result, combined with Adam being the first creation, God has decreed a certain order when it comes to authority and teaching. You can try and crawl into the psyches of men who lived two thousand years ago, read into culture that you do not possibly understand, or simply cross your arms and stomp your feet but it does not change what God has already said.

My sisters in Christ. This is not an exercise in authority, superiority or power. Of these I am the very least. I do not exalt myself or any man above anyone else. Only God is worthy of exultation. Not because I agree with everything He commands but because I know that when I can't see the road I know that He has the wheel. That is if I gave the wheel to Him. Far too many of us professing Christians fancy ourselves as co-pilots or partners. I do not doubt the passion of Jory Micah, as misguided as it is. I do not think she is malicious. What she is however is mistaken and badly so. Those mistakes will result in thousands of women following her false teachings, which lead to a false Christ within her false gospel. Maybe in the end you will feel more empowered. Maybe in the end you will be leading your marriage and your church and as far as the world rates success you may even do very well at it. But you will not know Christ. Matthew 7 tells us that scores of people will stand before Him and say Lord Lord. Don't let one of them be you because someone made you feel less than. You have an important role in the body of Christ and do not let anyone marginalize it by saying it is not enough. You can carry the Word of God to the lost beloved. All of you. But you first must believe it for yourself. All of it.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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