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Devotionals    H3'ed 8/3/17

Kris Vallotton - Conviction is the Holy Spirit Reminding You How Awesome You Are

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This is the hallmark of Bill Johnson-style teaching. After something as insanely unbiblical as conviction meaning how awesome you are, it is followed up with a pious-sounding train wreck. There is no biblical instruction regarding this "alias" theology. Kris just made it up. Now I agree with him that the AA model may work well in the world but does not belong for Christians. It creates a victimhood that Christ never intends for His children to have to be yoked to. I will also agree about not being able to address a problem unless you admit you have one. The problem is the rest of this gobbledygook is nearly incomprehensible as lucid thought. I am not my behavior unless I believe I am? Seriously again? That sounds like when George Costanza advised Jerry that it is not really a lie if you believe it is true. What Kris fails to realize is that it doesn't matter of Jerry thinks it is true -- it is still a lie. George was only giving him a tip on how to beat a lie detector test. Under this silliness, I can commit adultery but as long as I don't believe I am an adulterer, I am not? Is that How God will operate on Judgment Day Kris? He will level the charge and you will stand there in your arrogance and claim that is not you because you do not believe that is you. I got news for you -- that's you! Paul calls himself the chief of sinners and the least of the apostles while Kris Vallotton is teaching his adherents to deny their sin, call it behavior, and gaze lovingly upon themselves in the mirror a la Stuart Smalley. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me. I will tell you what else he is doing beloved. he is teaching people to not confess their sins. The Bible makes it very clear that God forgives but we must ask for that forgiveness. Not pretend they are just little behavioral quirks and laugh them off. This is a dangerous, dangerous teaching. Vallotton concludes:

But the Bible says that we are nobility, royalty and children of God Himself. That's the truth, and it will set you free, instead of simply modifying your behavior. Today I want to encourage you to take some time with Holy Spirit and let Him search your thoughts. Take note of the names you've been speaking over yourself, or the aliases that others have tried to mask you in throughout your life. Then hand them over to God and let Him breathe the freedom-bringing truth over you. Write it down and choose it every day. What are false names that people have spoken over you, and what is God saying over you instead? Let me know in the comments below. -- Kris Vallotton

Beloved this is the shtick that runs throughout the majority of the false doctrines of the day. Prosperity gospel, word faith, false signs and lying wonders, experiential Christianity. It is the core of seeker friendly theology and purpose driven thought. Find anything glowing and positive in the Bible and claim it for your listeners while ignoring context and surrounding truths. Scratch their ears. There are plenty of Bible verses that describe us as sinners, wretched, with poison on our lips and deceit filling our hearts. But Kris can't sell that so he instead picks three sloppy agape words of positivity and after claiming the entire article the dangers of identifying who you are. He asks you to identify yourself as such. I will focus on one as an example of the depraved nature of what Kris Vallotton is doing. In all likelihood, Kris claims our royalty from the following verse:

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. -- 1Peter 2: 9 (ESV)

Note first of all that Kris does not address a people for His possession or a holy nation. He does not address that we ought to be proclaiming His excellencies. Yet even on the point about being a royal priesthood, Kris cannot get it right:

The Hebrew has "a kingdom of priests," as in Revelation 1:6 (according to the best reading); which would mean, God's organised empire, every member of which is a priest. Nor is the thought far different here. The word "royal" does not seem intended to imply that every Christian is a king, or of royal birth (though that, of course, may be shown from elsewhere), but describes his belonging to the King as we might speak of the royal apartments, the royal borough, the royal establishment, or even of the royal servants. -- Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers

When you are so focused on your awesomeness you fail to see that the royalty is not about you. It is about Him. But that is Kris' overarching problem anyway. His teaching and theology is not about God -- it it's about you. If you could behave better. If you would just talk better about yourself. You are royalty. No beloved. If we could choose to simply behave better then we would not need a Savior. If we could change who we are simply by speaking better about ourselves then we would be God. Kris is right that the truth shall set you free. It is just a shame that he does not have a solid relationship with the truth to recognize it.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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