A god who needs a false worship leader to comfort him. Ironically, there is a comparable story and it comes from the testimony of another Bethel worship leader, Kim Walker-Smith. The leader of Jesus Culture is fond of saying God gave her a waking visitation from Jesus where He whisked her away to the throne room of God where she met the Father face to face. Did she cry unclean lips like Isaiah? Did she fall prostrate before Him as the Apostle John did? Did she even realize that it must have been a demonic encounter because Moses tells us that if we see the Father we would die? No, because Kim Walker-Smith has been taught how special she is; just like Gretzinger and Gray. When you think the bible is about you, that is how you can be this deceived. Walker-Smith claims that Father God ripped out a piece of His heart and molded a miniature version of Kim to set in a jewelry box so she can dance and sing for Him. Dance and sing for him. Comfort him. The truly sad part is they convince themselves this is worship and they convince others that it means they love God. Yet they are the heroes of the stories. They are the ones who are just so special that they can provide comfort to the God that spoke the universe into existence. Or that God wants to rip out a piece of His own heart so that they can sing and dance for Him. Or so special that you think because you "earned" side money that God wants you to brag about spending $200,000 on a luxury car for your wife. These are just two stories from this past week. There are countless other stories every single day. The fact that they have to be explained at all is an embarrassment to where the modern church is today. It is time to get over ourselves, and fast.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- December 20, 2018