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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/25/17

Mangling the Bible to Advance Christo-Feminism

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She hath been a succourer of many - The word used here προσÏ"άÏ"ιÏ" prostatis, means properly "a patron, a help," and was applied by the Greeks to one who "presided" over an assembly; to one who became "a patron" of others; who aided or defended them in their cause; and especially to one who undertook to manage the cause of "strangers" and foreigners before the courts. It was, therefore, an honorable appellation. Applied to Phebe, it means probably that she had shown great kindness in various ways to the apostle, and to other Christians; probably by receiving them into her house; by administering to the sick, etc. Such persons have a claim on the respect and Christian attentions of others. -- Barnes Notes on the Bible

For she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also: the word signifieth a patroness. She had been hospitable to many, and in particular, to the apostle himself. This showeth she was a woman of some account: it was but equal that the saints at Rome should assist her, who had been assistant unto so many others. -- Matthew Poole's Commentary

for she hath been a succourer of many; or "a patroness of many" of the saints in necessity and distress. The word that is here used, is, as Harpocratian says (k) the name by which such were called by the Athenians, , "that were over the sojourners", who had the care and direction of them. And such was this woman to the poor saints in Cenchreae, and the strangers that came thither; not as being in such an office by the order and appointment of the church, but what she cheerfully and voluntarily took up herself and performed at her own expense, otherwise there would not be so much in the character as to deserve such peculiar notice, nor she be so worthy of praise and commendation: moreover, the apostle observes, that he also partook of her succour and assistance, - Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

Phoebe was a patroness of many. She was a succourer. You can only conclude that this somehow must mean a leadership and pastoral role if you do linguistic gymnastics to arrive at a pre-determined point. Hyatt continues:

Phoebe Had "Stood Before" Paul - Some will argue that Phoebe was merely a patroness to Paul who supplied financial support for his ministry. However, the overall sense of the passage, including Paul's designation of her as a "minister," mitigates against such an interpretation. She was one who had "stood before" others, including Paul himself. An argument could be made from this passage that Phoebe had, at some time, functioned in a pastoral type role toward Paul. He obviously holds her in high esteem, for he exhorts the Roman believers, both men and women, to receive her and respect her "in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints," and to assist her "in whatever manner she may have need of you" (Rom. 16:2). -- Eddie Hyatt

No Eddie. It is not that "some" have argued this point. Everyone else before you has. Every serious commentator that is not trying to advance the Christo-feminist agenda came to the correct translation and application. The comical thing here is Hyatt uses the false notion that he has already proven the word diakonos means minister and leverages this as proof that therefore those claiming Phoebe was merely a patroness must be wrong. Except he never proved anything regarding the word minister. For the sake of time, here is the summary of the next argument Hyatt offers:

If Paul had wanted to confine these leadership gifts to men only he could have signaled that desire by using gender-specific language. Instead, he makes it clear that these gifts are given to both men and women but using the Greek word anthropoi, meaning "people." -- Eddie Hyatt

Whenever Hyatt comes up against a passage he does not like he claims there are poor translations. His claim here is that the word "anthropoi" doesn't mean men but rather people. Reiterating an earlier point, the omnipotent God I serve accounted for translations issues. He says what He means and does not hide things for thousands of years waiting for Eddie Hyatt to discover what no one else has seen. In this case however, he thinks he has proven a point by claiming Paul "could have" explained himself better. Fine but that still lends no credence to the unbiblical positions he has espoused. I want you to see how deceptive Eddie Hyatt is being here. His assertion that "anthropoi" is gender neutral is simply debunked almost 20 years ago. Take a few minutes and read this:

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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