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Devotionals    H3'ed 11/16/23

NAR Gatekeeper, Dr. Michael Brown, Continues to Mock the Existence of the NAR

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While we are on this, let's take a look at the next favorite "mountain" to conquer, entertainment. The apostate church goes absolutely giddy when their perceived political/pseudo religious angles are represented by Hollywood. Recently we saw the excitement over The Sound of Freedom. Oh, how social media was flush with proud declarations of how it even beat the last Indiana Jones movie at the box office, which was not exactly true. That aside, it made over 200 million dollars at the box office. To the NAR this was a great seven mountains success. The reality was a tad different because this was a story about a Mormon, not a Christian. That Mormon now stands credibly accused by multiple women of gross sexual abuse. Oh, and all the money? Yeah, that went into the coffers of a Mormon owned studio so there was no benefit to the cause of Christ whatsoever. Then you have other "Christian movies" that just convey poor if not outright false theology. Or we have to celebrate absurdities like Greg Locke's new disaster pretending to cast demons out all over the place. Please. How about the domination of Hillsong, Bethel and Elevation creating one horrible worship song after another, poisoning our churches with false theology through music. I read a piece today on Charisma News about a worship leader who stopped singing to reprimand a congregation for taking his picture during worship and not focusing on intimacy with the Lord. Now, I agree we should be focused on God during worship, but can you blame the goats in apostate churches for behaving like they do not understand when they have been taught nothing but me-centric, Jesus is your wingman, idolatrous theology? Bottom line is we are to present the gospel to all peoples in the nations, not save the literal nations. When Paul was opposed by disbelieving groups, he simply went on to another area. Here is the last Wallnau quote:

"Lance on democracy failing across the world - you have to realize where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and if you want to see freedom economically, culturally, and politically you have to honor God because Satan with is powers in the second heaven is just waiting for democracies to fail so he can raise totalitarian governments. You see the elites have a system for prosperity but they don't have a system of ethics and values. The number one reason why democracies fail is corruption." - Lance

What a ridiculous transition. The verse Wallnau cites is from 2Corinthians 3 and that freedom does not refer to economic, cultural or political freedom. It refers to freedom in Christ from sin, death, and fear. This is what happens to the NAR folks who keep mixing the profane with the holy, they forget which is which, if they ever knew. Follow the silly teaching he offers here. So, Satan, is behind every totalitarian government but any democracy is somehow righteous? Listen, I may believe America was the best experiment ever in human governance but that is far, far removed from righteousness. Were we righteous when we were the hub of the slave trade? Were we righteous when we rebelled against the authority of England? Were we righteous during the civil war, massacring each other? How about the genocide of the American Indians? Or the children working in sweat shops 20 hours a day while robber barons made their fortunes? How about political wars where untold numbers were killed for greed or political expediency? This NAR gibberish Wallnau teaches pretends that we are special because our prosperity is rooted in ethics and values? Whose? Dennis Hastert's? Donald Trump's? There is a Florida congresswoman who moonlights as a pastorix of a mega church, who lies on all of her financial disclosure forms by making her flock pay for her seven houses. Is it her ethics and values? Corruption is everywhere because humans are everywhere. None are righteous! Stop pretending your politicians are the good ones. They are not. Back to the final portion of Dr. Brown's excerpt:

"I'm an alleged leader of NAR even though I don't hold to the tenets of NAR. Of course the tenets keep changing depending on what website you go to. Bottom line is the fear mongering helps nothing. The exaggeration helps nothing. This NAR of the critics desiring to take over the world, hundred of millions of critics working together whether they know it or not. Basically with this desire of taking over the world and imposing Christian values and that these apostles have this special authority and that every church must be under these apostles and prophets. You mix in with it the worst of the word faith movement, you mix in it the worst of Charismania, you put it in a blender and that's NAR. That doesn't exist. That only exists in the minds of the critics." - Dr. Michael Brown

Except Brown does adhere to the basic tenets of the NAR. He is clearly a dominionist. He may couch things to try and seem even handed but he clearly teaches voting Republican any chance he gets. He clearly supports all things charismania. He writes for one of the staunchest dominionists today, Steven Strang. Whatever other tenets Brown may legitimately disagree with it does not count because he protects and defends those that do believe in them. This is not "fear mongering" or exaggeration beloved. These are just stated facts that Dr. Brown cannot wish away with smarmy mocking. Taking over the world sounds like hyperbole but realize when you desire all laws in this country to be strictly based on your interpretation of the bible, you are advocating for a theocracy. God did not ask us to go into all nations and make them Christian theocracies. Do you know why? Because doing so and forcing people to abide by biblical law actually will only condemn them. Only the gospel frees them. That is why the great commission has nothing to do with the politics of man but rather, preach the gospel. It is ironic that Dr. Brown mocks here the notion that apostles have special authority and churches must be under the apostles and prophets. He says here - that doesn't exist. Except he writes for Charisma news that clearly DOES believe this. This is at the heart of everything wrong with Dr. Michael Brown. He is very learned, but he does not apply that knowledge to individual people teaching falsely, fleecing the flock, or in general leading people away from Jesus Christ. He uses the phrase here "the worst of word faith" as if there are redeemable aspects of this false theology. There are not. The NAR is very real as a concept, not as an organization of affiliated churches. It is primarily known for the abuses in Charismania, including the false apostolic and prophetic paradigm, as well as the false signs and lying wonders of the apostate church. The other primary driver is dominionism. A belief the overly focuses on politics, the seven-mountains heresy, or in general a focus on this world instead of seeing people saved from this world. Dr. Brown may not be all in on all things, but he defends it all and thus protects it all. He can mock, ridicule, and laugh at the truth all he wants. We will keep pointing out what he does and says and pointing people back to Christ. Not the false christ of dominionism wrapped in an America flag singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Not the false Christ of charismania selling clairvoyance, sneaky squid spirits, glory clouds, gold dust, gemstones, angel feathers, singing "Oh how he Loves Us." Not the false christ of the New Apostolic Reformation and the apostate church.

Reverend Anthony Wade - November 16, 2023

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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