Which of these two statements is tethered to reality? The Sacramento Bee has no problem seeing through the falseness of claiming healing without any medical documentation and then insisting on washing your hands to prevent the spread of the flu. You cannot run around playing healing games because eventually a crisis will make it obvious you are a scam artist. Johnson's statement on the other hand is not even tethered to the bible.
Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. In these lay a multitude of invalids--blind, lame, and paralyzed -- John 5:2-3 (ESV)
Now, how many of these multitudes were healed by Jesus that day? One. Purveyors of this divine healing theology all use this fake argument that Jesus healed everyone and that is simply not true. I do not blame God -- I blame Bill Johnson. For teaching such aberrant theology that even the Sacramento Bee can see right through. None of this matters though according to our third link above. We do not even have to worry anymore about coronavirus because false prophet Shawn Bolz has received a text from God that it is ending!
Yes the third link above is to a piece recently from Charisma News icon and Grandmaster of NAR dominionism -- Stephen Strang. In it he defends a recent false prophecy from Bethel's own -- Shawn Bolz. For those who may not know him, Bolz likes to speak at large events and use fake psychic tricks and his smart phone to be given "words of knowledge" about random people in the audience. In it, Strang quotes Bolz from his infamous February 28 post:
'"The Lord showed me the end of the Coronavirus...the tide is turning now!" Bolz wrote. "He is answering the prayers and cries of the nations and is putting an end in sight. The exaggerated fear based tactics of both the enemy and several media outlets for political reasons is coming to an end. The enemy has been trying to distract and steal from several equally important purposes and issues by dominating airwaves with conspiracy and fear. Even now several vaccines are coming out as well as a natural dying out of the virus itself. The Lord is saying 'I am removing the threat of this.' Within a short amount of time the extreme threat will feel like it is in the way past."' -- Stephen Strang
So according to Shawn Bolz on February 28 God said the tide was turning and He was removing the coronavirus. At the time of this false utterance, there had been 82,000 people infected and 2800 deaths. Just 12 days later, as of this moment, those numbers have increased to 121,238 cases and 4378 deaths. Gee it would seem if God was removing it that we would not have seen another 100,000 infections with a doubling of the death toll. Yet unabashed, Strang stated he believed Shawn had heard from the Lord.
No he has not. Shawn fakes words of knowledge through the technology in his smart phone. He does not hear from God. He instead pretends to by giving people false words that will result in some of them thinking they no longer need to be medically vigilant during this outbreak. This is a very dangerous game Bolz, Johnson and Tamaki are playing here. This is a real virus that is killing real people. Does it get to much hyped coverage? Sure, but that does not remove the fact that it is very real, especially if you have lost someone to it. The church is supposed to be seen as a source of comfort in the unsure times of this world. We are supposed to be a city set upon as hill for all to see the light of Jesus Christ. Not used car salesmen for false predictions, telling sick people to leave the hospital or claiming the virus is ending when it most certainly is not. Is it any wonder why the way of the truth is blasphemed?