Yes, you are.
"As I wrote in my article, "An Open Letter to Silent Pastors-Fight or Fade Away," "over the last few decades, Americans have seen the destruction of the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, the removal of God's Word in several areas, and the blatant murdering of millions of babies." "This is an indictment against America and the pulpit is partially responsible--our silence speaks volumes. The pulpit regulates the spiritual condition of God's people, which affects the nation. ... Sadly, many pastors are exchanging truth for passivity, boldness for cowardliness, and conviction for comfort." They aim "to be motivational speakers rather than preachers of righteousness." In my opinion, most pastors who are not opening their churches are upset at the ones who are simply because they are convicted. Instead of repenting for cowardliness and a lack of boldness, they open friendly fire. Pastors, we are not just cheerleaders; we are game changers. We need men filled with the Spirit of God, not passivity and political correctness. Granted, there are many wonderful pastors and churches--and I appreciate their ministry--but too many American churches have drifted off course. They have lost the compass of truth and the boldness of the Spirit." - Shane Idleman
You are not a game changer Shane. You are a hopeless NAR shill who sells dominionism instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now you are also a science denier who seemingly does not care a whit about the actual health of the people you are entrusted to lead. You have a complete disregard for the truth. At best now you are a propogandist who takes solace in disobeying the bible and authority. It is not the spirit of God that fills you Shane but rather the spirit of error. Despite your claims of perfect congregational health I would wager you also now have actual blood on your hands because you thought it was more important to meet for an hour and a half on Sundays than obey the law. I hope the tithes were worth it.
Reverend Anthony Wade - March 9, 2021