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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/16/19

The NAR -- Fighting to Preach Carnal Politics Instead of the Gospel

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"Politics can administer life or death. Politics can administer God's will for America or an anti-Christ agenda of atheism, socialism, communism and globalism. Politics can administer capitalism and kingdom economic principles or atheistic communism and humanistic socialism. Politics can administer New Covenant kingdom marriage or unnatural, perverse same-sex marriage and gender-confusion lunacy." -- Bert Farias

Putting aside the wedge issue talking points, Farias has again just gone off the rails of reality. Where in the bible does it say that the kingdom of God is capitalist? The antichrist agenda is not one of atheism Bert. It is of a one world religion that most proponents of the NAR seem to welcome with open arms. The kingdom of God is not a republic beloved. It is not a capitalist Shangri-La. The very notion of a kingdom requires a king. There will be only one division -- goats and sheep. The rest of this is just Bert Farias arguing over the deck chairs.

Politics can administer God-given inalienable rights and providence or government dominion and satanic agendas to rob Christ and the people of their inheritance. Politics can administer Christian ideals or Islamic corrupt ethics. Politics can administer equality or racism. Politics can administer wisdom or foolishness. Politics can administer morality or whoredom. Now tell me kingdom preaching does not include politics! You cannot get more kingdom than to oppose liberal-leftist politics and their evil agenda." -- Bert Farias

Kingdom preaching does not include politics. You prove that point with each passing word. Notice the admission of the true enemy here. It is those liberal leftists and their evil agenda. The problem with such Scooby-Doo rhetoric is it sets up a false dichotomy. According to Bert Farias then, people on the right politically must be righteous. Yet Livingston, Gingrich and Hastert are only a microcosm. None are righteous. All have turned away. The best argument Farias has is a lesser of two evils argument in which case he ought to be more careful in how vociferously he defends evil. Farias actually believes here that Satan, through the Democratic party apparently, can rob Jesus Christ of His inheritance! Oh Bert, you think far too much of yourself.

"We'd better pay attention to the words of Charles G. Finney, the great American revivalist, who knew something about pressing the influence of kingdom culture on the existing culture, which included politics and the way people vote. "The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them. Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it, and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course the Christians take in politics." --Charles G. Finney." -- Bert Farias

Finney's entire theology revolved around dominionism. He believed in forcing what he viewed as Christian morality upon the unsaved masses. So while his quote here does not surprise me the fact that any sane Christian would cite it as fact is very disturbing. The notion of blessing and cursing a nation comes from Deuteronomy and was intended for the nation of Israel. The notion that God will hold voting patterns against us is insane. In 2012 the choice of the church and their leaders was Mitt Romney, who happened to belong to the Satanic cult of Mormonism. That is just one example out of countless we could cite. It was a 7-2 vote in a Republican Supreme Court that gave this country Roe. The point is that you cast your vote for people who promise you things that they may or may never do. Your vote carries no righteousness, regardless of party affiliation.

"We'd better also heed Stanley Frodsham's prophetic words, for we are nearer to their fulfillment than when he first spoke them in 1965. "With great judgments will I plead with the population of this country. Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall come upon them." And then he prophesied this: "Before I visit the nations in judgment, I will begin at My house. When I do cause My wrath to come upon the cities of the world, My people shall be separate. I desire a people without spot or wrinkle, and such will be preserved by Me in the time of My wrath, which will be coming upon all iniquity and unrighteousness" It is high time for the church to awaken and arise. The enemy has entered in through our back door and is stealing our liberties and our land. I trust more of us are now coming to the realization that although authentic Christianity can survive without America, America cannot survive without authentic Christianity. It's time to take the fight to the enemies within. The following quote seems quite appropriate for the quagmire of wickedness and corruption we find ourselves in as we soon welcome in the tumultuous decade of the 2020s: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." --Abraham Lincoln. In The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond, you will discover how to navigate the tumult of the next decade and emerge as an authentic remnant.' -- Bert Farias

As with so many of these NAR hucksters, this was all a big advertisement for his new book. Frodsham was a pioneer in the early Assemblies of God until he got involved with the disgraced Latter rain movement. Like many of the NAR adherents today however, he conflates individual people with this loose concept of nations. He conflates carnal concepts such as liberties with eternal principles. As with Farias, Frodsham can't see the slivers of truth he reveals which speaks against his position. The people of God are called to be separate yet the NAR dominionist preaches and pursues the opposite. The church needs to awaken and arise to see the false doctrine that has come in the front door of the church and been welcomed with open arms. We are tasked with one thing. To present and represent the Gospel. Neither side nor party cares about that cause. We can choose to fight over the deck chairs or point people to the lifeboat. Do not be drawn in by the lures of this life and this world. We are pilgrims and sojourners beloved. Our citizenship is in heaven and there is no dual citizenship.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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