Why in the world would you want to line up with this? Why would you line up with a woman like Paula White who has literally stolen five million dollars from God's people? Under normal circumstances if the theologies are examined I think everyone would agree. The problem is that White's position next to the president and Browne's very planned public arrest fit within the NAR narrative. The demented musings of Browne that he passed off as a sermon this past Sunday fit with the NAR persecuted church narrative.
Let me be very clear. The COVID situation is real. I work with someone who lost three people related to her over this past weekend alone and one was her father. The three thousand dead people in this country meant something to somebody. They meant something to God. If your theology is more important than reality then it is simply not of God. Rodney Howard-Browne was arrested this week and he should have been. He endangered the lives of hundreds of people in attendance and countless others they then come into contact with. He then used the holy desk of the pulpit to preach fringe conspiracy theories and absolutely whackadoodle lies. Look, I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy but if you think that Russia, China and Iran are about to launch a war on our shores, as Browne preached Sunday, you are not a conspiracy theorist. You are a lunatic.
The church in china is under persecution. The church in Iraq is under persecution. The church in America is not. Being asked to follow the law is not persecution. It is ironically hypocritical that the NAR dominionists love to cling to the key verses from Romans 13 to justify anything their president does but then seemingly forget about it when it suits them like in the Howard-Browne case. God does not say anything about getting drunk in the spirit but He says quite a lot about hypocrisy. Do not be fooled beloved. Standing with people who stand with the devil is not a Christian cause. Do not be found standing with such heretics and fools.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- March 31, 2020