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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/25/18

Understanding the NAR Government Mountain Theology and Why It Is Unbiblical

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"4. All laws impose morality onto others. The real question is whose morality prevails? You can't legislate morality, but you can restrain evil and deter wrongdoing. God doesn't need a supermajority, but He does need a humble minority. God's call is not to Washington or Hollywood--"if My people humble themselves" (2 Chron. 7:14)." -- Shane Idleman

The referenced verse from Chronicles is dealing with Israel! Today it would mean the church! Yes, if the church would humble itself and repent then the land could be healed because the church would be out of the politics business and back in the Gospel business.

"5. The pulpits are not called to be passive. Granted, not everyone is called to the political arena, but all of those called to preach God's Word must provide practical application on difficult matters. I often wonder if those who remain silent now would have also been silent in the 1800s in regard to slavery? Are these silent men truly filled with the Spirit of God? If so, where is boldness, where is righteous indignation that the Spirit provokes in us? When God gives people authority to passionately and lovingly proclaim His Word, souls are converted, lives are changed and families are restored. Sadly, this is lacking in our day. As the church falls deeper into self-reliance and further from reliance on God, our need for bold leadership has never been greater. Change will only occur when there is a strong conviction of sin, genuine faith, humility and sincere repentance. May God grant us the wisdom and strength to proclaim these truths. We must stop confusing God's patience with His approval and preach with conviction from the pulpits again." -- Shane Idleman

More preachers used the bible to justify slavery. That is why the pulpit is not to be used for social engineering or politics. It is an insult to a holy God to waste His holy desk with anything other than what can save a man's soul:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. -- Romans 1:16 (ESV)

Only the Gospel saves beloved. That is not what Shane Idleman is professing here. He believes the pulpits should speak to the carnal issues of the day and take sides. Did you ever see Jesus lamenting the Roman occupation? You want my taxes? Go catch a fish. It is amazing that Shane can see the church falling further away from reliance on God but cannot see how he is leading the way. Preach the Gospel Shane and let Sodom rule itself. We are not charged with saving the world but saving people out of the world. The pulpit should be holy, set apart, and consecrated.

"6. God's Word is very clear on controversial issues. From "thou shalt not steal from citizens and future generations" to "thou shalt not murder innocent children." If God is clear, why are many Christians vague or indifferent?" -- Shane Idleman

Wow. Nowhere does the bible say thou shall not steal from citizens and future generations. I cannot believe Idleman had the nerve to put out his call for lower taxes as if it were biblical. That is reprehensible and biblically criminal. As for the indifference I have a better question. Why are so many ideologues willing to take liars at their word and think that means they have done their Christian duty? I think a lot of the indifference is from the fact that politicians have been promising the end of Roe like Lucy promises she won't pull the football away at the last second. But Lucy is always Lucy and politicians are always politicians. They say whatever they have to in order to get elected. There is nothing wrong with a Christian deciding to not take a run at the football and instead focus on being Christlike, representing our Savior to a lost and dying world and doing the work of a Berean.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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