Allow me to translate this charismess. When Bayembe say we must look into the spirit to see what Jesus is up to what she means is to look deep into our wickedly deceitful hearts and whatever bile we find floating around in there we claim to be direct revelation from God. While she portrays this as agreeing with God, she is only agreeing with herself. What is missing from this equation beloved? The bible! We do not need to peer into the spirit like a crystal ball and guess what Jesus "might be up to." He has already revealed everything we need to know in His Word! Bayembe of course cannot use the Word because it would expose her for being the false teacher that she is.
"Unemployment Line - In our new book, Everyday Angels, we share how my co-author Joe has seen multitudes of angels restlessly milling about, not doing anything at all. When he inquired of the Lord, He explained there's a bit of an "unemployment line" for angels in the heavenlies, as none of His kids are giving them any work to do. Many other leaders in the body of Christ have testified to seeing the same. In his book Heaven's Host, prophetic minister Bobby Connor writes, "Once my eyes were opened and I could see into the heavens, where I saw untold thousands of angels. They appeared to be bored, so I asked, "Lord, why are they bored?" "Because the saints of God have not activated them into action," He said. Jamie Galloway, in his book, Secrets of the Seer, shares the same experience: "I kept seeing angels that were sitting around not doing anything. I did not know what to make of this, and I began to wonder if certain angels were just lazy! It kept happening--when I saw them, they looked bored, like they were in need of something to do! "I asked the Holy Spirit, and He spoke to my heart: "These are unemployed angels. They are waiting for a job." I responded, "Are You going to give them one?" He spoke back: "I have given My children stewardship over My works on the earth ..." Bored, lazy and restless are not words we want describing our heavenly armies! This is why we must partner with them and with God by activating their marching orders, releasing them to accomplish His assignments for them." -- Charity Bayembe
How pathetically absurd beloved. There is no unemployment line for angels. They do not operate within the same paradigms we do. Again, notice this theology continues the pattern of wanting to ascend to the throne of the Most High and be like God. Nowhere in the bible does it indicate it is our responsibility to give angels work or activate them into action. Note the most egregious claim here is that God has given us stewardship over HIS works here on earth. Nothing can be farther from the truth. God does not need our help nor does He ask for it. What an arrogant theology to think that the hosts of heaven are milling around looking at classified ads hoping Johnny Christian will toss them a bone and give them something to do. How arrogant in that same scenario is it to assume God can do nothing about it. That He must stand there waiting for us to accomplish His will. We are not partners with angels nor are we partners with God. We are servants of the Most High or we are servants of the devil. Plain and simple. If He is not Lord -- then He is not Savior either in your life.
"My dad, Mark Virkler, shares how the Lord taught him he must commission his guardian angel, and what happens when he does, in his revealing blog post here. The heavens are the Lord's, but the earth He has given to the sons of men (Ps. 115:16). It is our responsibility to make earth look like heaven, and one strategic way we do this is by employing the ministry of angels. Because God has delegated His authority to us, in some ways the angels' hands are tied if we do not enlist their services and agree with God's work orders for them. I picture it like a dual signature check. God has written a check and signed it. Through Christ, He has already made all the resources, provision and protection of heaven available. However, it is a dual signature check. We, as the body of Christ and His designated ambassadors on this earth, must also sign that check in order for it to be validated. In order for those heavenly resources and angelic assistance to be released, we must agree and "sign off" on it as well." -- Charity Bayembe
Ahh, the false prophet Mark Virkler is her father. Now things are making more sense. This is how the false prophet network thrives. They prop each other up. Notice that in order to present her ridiculous assertion of unemployed angels she cited that three other false prophets had the same "vision." Safety in numbers. Here we are presented with another core false teaching of this group. Yes Psalm 115:16 says that God has given the earth to the children of man but nowhere does it suggest it is our job to make earth look like heaven. Once again the arrogance is staggering to think that God writes a check that cannot be cashed unless we allow it to be by signing off on it! Are you serious? Please sit down -- you are not that special. God can cash whatever checks He desires. Mercifully this foolish article ends:
"We see this principle in the book of Revelation. Father intends for Jesus to come. But it's not enough just for Holy Spirit to say, "Come." What does Scripture reveal? The Spirit and the Bride say "Come" (Rev. 22:17a, MEV, emphasis mine). There must be an agreement between heaven and earth. We, as the bride of Christ, listen to what Holy Spirit is saying, and we echo that. We see what Father is doing and what He is loosing, and we do the same. Just like Jesus, we don't do anything on our own initiative, but we seek the things above, set our mind on the Spirit, look at the unseen and live to that. We model it and by doing so, we partner with God in bringing heaven to earth." -- Charity Bayembe
The bio says that Charity Virkler Kayembe has a doctorate in biblical studies and all I can say to that is -- wow. It says that she is passionate about the supernatural and walking by the spirit, which are more code words in the experiential realm of Christianity that abandons the bible in pursuit of "experiencing God." Except it is not God they experience but demons masquerading as angels of light. It is not the spirit of God they are walking with. If it were then their teaching would line up with Scripture. It is only fitting that she butchers the Revelation verse as well to conclude. Does anyone really believe that Christ could not come back if the bride did not agree? All verse 17 shows us is that the church is looking for the second coming as is the Spirit. There is no biblical indication that this is a required agreement to facilitate the second coming of Christ! That is straight up NAR mumbo-jumbo. Beloved, we do not partner with God in anything. In all things we serve Him. Charity Bayembe needs to seriously repent of this narcissistic tripe where her theology seeks to supplant God.