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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/13/17

Bethel Once Again Makes Dr. Michael Brown Look Foolish

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LESSON 16: Performance Issues

LESSON 17: Ways God Speaks

LESSON 19: Pressing in for More

Beloved we cannot "grow" in words of knowledge as the Spirit wills them alone. He is the only "connector" but He is so much more than that. He is the source and the determining factor. Sure we can pray and Paul says we should pursue the greater gifts, of which words of knowledge are not under consideration, but The Holy Spirit still decides. There are no such words for ourselves even within this paradigm unless someone else is given a word about us. I am unsure why he conflates this gift with another, healing, but it cannot be good knowing the Bethel track record on not understanding divine healing. The lesson on this gift for the world around you is essential NAR theology that believes we are to influence and in fact conquer the world in order to facilitate the second coming of Christ. Lesson 14 again emphasizes the Bethel belief that Dr. Brown refuses to accept -- they believe the gifts can be taught. Risk taking is a typical refrain within the false prophecy teachings of this group. That we have to tap into some still small voice inside of us, which is always our lying hearts, and assume it must be God. Perhaps the most telling and frightening topic is week 16 -- performance issues. It is telling because what this is at its heart is a performance. Bolz is a master at this as he utilizes his smart phone to clairvoyantly "download" words of knowledge about people at the events he speaks at. Despite the obvious absurd nature of this transparent scam people still fall for it by the thousands and Peter Popoff must be laughing somewhere. The frightening disconnect however is the cavalier attitude he has regarding "misses"; which we always see in the false prophetic realm as well. Take chances and risks they teach knowing that if you are wrong 35% of the time you are somehow considered a solid prophet. Never mind the 35% of lives you have potentially ruined and faith destroyed. After all, it is just "performance issues." The ways God speaks lesson is probably just to reinforce this false prophecy teaching of direct revelation. God did not forget to include something in His Word that He has now given to Shawn Bolz to bring to the body. Even within the Charismatic paradigm, a word of knowledge is to prove divine connection and thus edify the faith of someone. Not to provide extra-biblical revelation. Lastly here we see the typical "pressing in" false teaching. You must understand that within these false teachings you become God. If you want more of something the Bible says you have no control over, just "press in."

Beloved, we need to mark those that cause division by introducing such demonic doctrines. Damnable heresies that usurp the power of God. That have Christians and people seeking God chasing myths and super-spiritual powers they cannot attain. People who not only make merchandise of the sheep but of the Gospel itself:

For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. -- 2Corinthians 2: 17 (ESV).

Shawn Bolz is a peddler of the Word of God, insincerely marketing an ability he does not have. Dr. Michael Brown should know better. Bad company does indeed corrupt good morals as the key verse teaches us. Someone as learned as Dr. Brown is, with so much biblical knowledge, should not be so easily made a fool of.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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