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Devotionals    H3'ed 8/11/21

Dr. Michael Brown Continues to Make Unbiblical Arguments for Mixing Politics and Faith

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"So yes, it is important for pastors and Christian leaders to preach a gospel that intersects with culture, a gospel that gives the congregants guidelines for navigating their way through today's many moral minefields. It's important that we preach a gospel that addresses both immorality and injustice, both righteousness and reconciliation. These are all great gospel themes. The key is that we keep our priorities straight, putting the cross before the flag, exalting Jesus and not presidential candidates, putting evangelism first and activism second, emphasizing prayer more than politics and putting more effort into discipleship than voter drives. Unfortunately, we tend to swing from one extreme to another, either embracing an escapist, pie-in-the-sky mentality, or turning political involvement and community activism into forms of sacred worship. Can we get things right in 2021 and moving forward? For the sake of our nation, I certainly hope so." - Dr. Michael Brown

Dr. Brown like so many others believes he can navigate this terrain but he cannot. The 2020 election proved that. You may start off wanting to prioritize the cross over the flag but slowly but surely you will blend them both until you cannot tell one from the other. Notice here at the end Brown gives up the game. This is not about advancing the kingdom. This is not about the prioritization of the Gospel. This is about the "sake of the nation." This is why God does not allow dual citizenship. Dr. Brown worships and idolizes America. So does the NAR influenced apostate church today. We will not get things right in 2021 or beyond because what he views as right is most certainly wrong. In 2022 Brown will support any Republican candidate that breathes. He will do so because that is what the NAR tells him he must do in order to be a good Christian. Never mind that they are just as morally bankrupt as their opponents. Never mind that they almost never deliver on the promises they made, especially to the church. In 2024, Brown will support Trump if he runs again of whoever runs in his place. He will say that it is the most important election of our lifetime. Just like 2020 and 2016. Just like 2012 when the NAR told you to vote for the Mormon. False prophets will again embrace whoever the GOP candidate is as they alienate at least 50% of the church in pursuit of their politics. No one will get saved because of it and many will turn away. Then sometime in 2025, Dr. Michael Brown will take pen to paper to wax philosophically about how you just cannot separate the intersection of culture and faith. Yes, you can beloved but you have to want to.

Reverend Anthony Wade - August 11, 2021

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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