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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/11/19

Is Calvary Enough for You? A Look At Two More Blasphemous Healing Arguments

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My children will come to know the Lord and serve Him.

My financial situation will change. I will become debt-free, and the financial increase will come.

My job will be stable and provide the hours and finances I require.

My body will strengthen with every step I take and every breath I breathe.

My spouse will have favor and abundance in all they do.

Revelation and visions will be in abundance, and I will grow spiritually.

Speak to your circumstances and what needs to be released into your life, marriage and ministry. My book Speak Out will instruct you on how to write your own declaration--naturally, prophetically or scripturally." -- Kathy DeGraw

What a bunch of word faith malarkey. We have zero power to declare or decree anything on behalf of God. You cannot prophesy into your future! You want to know why? Because you are not a prophet! The bible specifically says that prophecy as a gift is only given by the Holy Spirit for the purposes of edifying the church -- not personal healing. We cannot claim forth anything in our future! This is outright blasphemy and the Luciferin sin of wanting to be like the Most High. As we said at start, there are always victims of such egregious teachings. What happens when your children do not come to the Lord? What happens when your financial situation does not change? I remember once a man posting on Joel Osteen's page that the sheriffs were coming to padlock his house and he did not understand because he had always had faith, spoke it an tithed. As sad as that statement is what followed in the comments was sickening. Hundreds of people blaming the man for not having enough faith and not declaring it. You can decree all you want but the sheriff is still coming next week. What if instead of stability you lose your job? What if your body breaks down? What if instead of favor and abundance you face lack? If you want revelation and visions in abundance, then read your bible. Stop following hucksters and charlatans who mangle scripture to try and usurp the healing and creative powers of God. Listen, can God heal you? Absolutely. Will He? That is entirely up to Him. The question is will you still serve Him if the answer is no? If He calls home your spouse, your child or your parent, will you still call Him good? Is Calvary enough? If God did not do a single thing more for you, is salvation enough? Give up these word faith heresies and get back to loving God for what He has already done.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- September 11, 2019

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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