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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/27/19

James Goll Shills for Contemplative Prayer, Visualization, Centering and Inebriation

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Step one was visualization and step two is what new age mystics call centering. Once again abandoning reasoning and rationale is not "spiritual" in the way we think. What Goll and supporters of this false doctrine forget is we battle against powers, rulers of this present darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Not a good mix when you are exposed through the false stillness of visualization and centering. Do not lose sight of this beloved. We need our wits about us to resist the devil and know his schemes. We need to be able to pull scripture out from inside of us to combat his wicked schemes. How did Kim Walker Smith not realize she was being lied to by demons? Because while centered in her visualizations she left her bible and common sense far far behind. How does false prophetess Jennifer Leclaire see imaginary sneaky squid spirits that seem so real to her? Because she is in a spiritual battle against wickedness in high places and she is unarmed. Keep your nonsense about visualizing and centering! Give me the surety and scripture! Goll concludes:

"Spiritual Ecstasy. The third phase of contemplative prayer is spiritual ecstasy. Anyone who has ever been around prophetic, seer-type people knows they tend to be quiet in nature. They calm themselves, many times even closing their eyes, and wait in an almost passive repose. In that place of quiet detachment from the reality around them, illumination--the spirit of revelation--is granted, and their being becomes filled with God's pictures, thoughts and heart. This is the way it works with me. I apply the blood of Christ to my life and quiet my external being. Then I worship the Lord and bask in the beauty of His presence. He next takes me into rooms permeated with the light of His love and fills my being with visions He desires me to see. At times, I am so captured by His love that He leads me up higher into a heavenly place where my spirit seems to soar." -- James Goll

What an unbiblical mess. While it may be spiritual ecstasy it is not the Holy Spirit. This is the same garbage taught at Bethel and IHOP and other centers for mysticism disguised as Christianity. At Bethel they teach all of their worship leaders that they are prophetic, no need for the Holy Spirit to give out the gifts. They teach them this same dangerous practice of emptying themselves and listening for whatever wicked thought or picture pops into their heads and ascribing it to God. Remember that Walker-Smith claimed what she experienced as a "waking visitation" meaning she was awake and not dreaming. By leaving the bible behind, emptying his sense of being and looking for pictures or thoughts, James Goll opens himself up to all sorts of demonic assault and deception. What is worse is he is trying to teach it as doctrine. Did Jesus teach spiritual ecstasy? How about Paul or any of the apostles? Of course not. Mercifully, Goll concludes:

"Spiritual ecstasy, the final step in contemplative prayer, is not an activity we undertake but a work God does in us. Ecstasy is contemplative prayer taken to the nth degree. Even recognized authorities in the contemplative prayer life acknowledge that it is generally a fleeting experience rather than a staple diet. Another way to describe the ecstatic state is to say someone is "inebriated" with God's presence. To an outside observer, a person caught up into the realm of the Spirit and taken to a rapturous place may appear drunk. The essence of this experience is to be overwhelmed with God's presence, whether or not we see any pictures or hear any words. Ultimately, the goal of our passionate pursuit is not an experience at all, but Christ Himself. As we learn to be still and know that He is God and commune with Him in our inner being, we will realize we were created for fellowship with Him--and our inward life will provide the power for us to go forth to do His works." -- James Goll

Inebriated with God's presence. Really. After all the biblical warnings against drunkenness. After knowing that self-control is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Beloved do not fall for this nonsense. Spiritual ecstasy is the latter Rain movement. Spiritual ecstasy holy laughter and the Brownsville deception. Spiritual ecstasy is the holy ghost bartender, toking in the spirit, and Heidi baker's silly "shabba" rants. False teachers used to be more careful than this. They used to disguise their heresies better but today they know they do not have to because the church just laps it up. Contemplative prayer is not a Christian practice. Christians do not need to visualize, center themselves, repeat chant, mantras or chakras. If you want to draw closer in intimacy with God do not abandon the one thing that can bring you there -- His Word. Leave the inebriated James Goll to roll around on the floor until Jesus comes. As the key verse says -- pray with your mind too beloved.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- February 27, 2019

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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