There most certainly is something called gibberish, which is NOT a language. Linzey thinks he is slick here and you won't bother to check the scripture. 1Corinthains 14:10 does not say the word utterance but rather language. So, all language has meaning to God because He created them all after the story of the Tower of Babel. This verse does not say that all utterance has meaning because it does not. The issue of Satan speaking tongues is what is known as a strawman argument. Linzey erects the strawman, and argument no one is making, so he can knock it down and hope by doing so his central argument sounds more reasonable - it does not.
"Fifth, after believers speak in tongues, they should be encouraged to do so daily. Inform them that their prayer language will grow just like any other language. Believers who do not speak in tongues at the laying on of hands should not be made to feel guilty nor told they do not have faith. Rather, be encouraging and willing to pray with the initiates again at any time. Or encourage them to speak out by faith when they pray alone with God. With scriptural teaching, more people will begin manifesting the indwelling Holy Spirit and become powerful witnesses for Christ. Please join us for more teaching on how anyone may speak in tongues anytime." - James Linzey
The gibberish of fake tongues does not grow like any other language. I have never met anyone who can recall what a specific tongue was let alone what it meant. Any scriptural analysis shows this teaching for what it is - false. Now, I understand some may read this and assume I am a cessationist but as a said earlier, that dog don't hunt. I ascribe to a third position. I believe in the gifts of the spirit but believe they are being wildly abused in Charismaniacal churches today. I have "spoken in tongues" before, like any good former Assemblies of God preacher. Contrary to the teachings of places like Bethel however, scripture must trump my personal experience. I can accept the fact that my experience was a combination of poor teaching and the emotionalism that usually drives many Charismaniacal church services. I understand full well how crushing to the ego it is to admit to yourself that you had something so wrong, for so long but in the end the only thing that should matter is God. Amen?
Reverend Anthony Wade - June 22, 2022