Beloved, Jesus said you will always have to poor among you. The entire canon of Scripture consistently reinforces a loving and kind God. He leaves governments to run themselves until He returns. He expects us to obey the laws so that we might live in peace to better represent God and the Gospel to a lost and dying world. Matthew Travis is a shill. He sold himself out for 30 pieces of class warfare silver. That would be bad enough if he did not misrepresent Christ and mangle the Bible to achieve his ends. I am serious here beloved. If you read the Bible and think that we should support people starving then I suggest you read it again. Forget socialism, communism, capitalism, or any other buzz words people use. This is not about charity versus hard work. It is about right versus wrong. Good versus evil. If your brother wants your coat give him your tunic as well. We are our brother's keeper. From the start until the end we see a merciful and bountiful God. Not some stingy tyrant whipping people who are not carrying their weight enough. If you want to be a far edge libertarian or psychotic-conservative -- go right ahead. Just stop pretending that you have anything to do with Christ.
Reverend Anthony Wade -