So, take the accusations credibly but with your forked tongue say you believe the accused, got it. I do not need someone as compromised as Steven Strang to tell me what God wants. God wants the truth, period. The very last thing God wants is restoration because you must realize Strang is talking about ministerial restoration. If they can downplay these charges enough and muddy the waters, they can try to pass it off as a witch hunt, or people gunning for Mike and at some point seek to restore him to work. Even if Mike is forced to admit wrongdoing the powers that be would seek to restore him. How do you think Mark Driscoll is leading a church today? Or Ted Haggard? Or Tullian Tchividjian, who despite affairs with multiple women while married, not only leads a church but was a featured speaker at a men's convention just last year. Steven Strang does not want the truth and wouldn't recognize it if it came up and bit him in his Sneaky Squid Spirit. Strang wants Bickle cleared and if he is not, this article lays the groundwork for him to use Charisma News to pretend he has repented, pretend he wants healing for everyone, and eventually restore him back to ministry. God forbid. How do i know? Because the title of the first video Strang put out on this was entitled, Mike Bickle, predator or prey? You have to be kididng me.
Revered Anthony Wade - November 3, 2023