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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/30/17

The Gall of James Goll - Surrendering Common Sense to Experiential Christianity

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"We need to move into a higher dimension of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and especially the gift of discerning of spirits. In general, discernment always involves the evaluation of some kind of evidence. We can only accomplish this by using our five bodily senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch. We notice something; then we start sifting quickly through the incoming data. We discriminate between the pieces of evidence and we detect patterns. Then we decide what to do, based in large part on what our discernment tells us. Discerning (or distinguishing) of Spirits is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:10). This gift is a little different from the Gift of the Word of Knowledge, in which facts are simply dropped into our minds or hearts. With discernment, you have to consider what is happening around you. Did what just happened make you afraid or full of faith? Did the room just get brighter or darker? Did you hear a noise? Did you perhaps smell or taste something? Is what happened from a good source--or a bad one?" -- James Goll

A higher dimension of the gifts of the Spirit? Beloved there is no Scripture that supports such teaching. Goll then confuses his carnal understanding of discernment with the Biblical notion. We can only accomplish discernment through the senses? Says no biblical text anywhere! We cannot discern without the inerrant Word of God! Notice the completely subjective nature of what he is teaching. We notice something through our senses. We sift through the incoming data. Do we feel afraid? Did the room just get brighter or darker? Did I hear a noise! Is that a smell of Sulphur in the air? Do I taste brimstone in my mouth? Then we decide? Gee, nothing can go wrong there. It is absolute spiritual insanity to discern if there are angelic or demonic spirits associated with things, events and people based upon our subjective senses. Goll continues:

"To discern spiritual realities, we need spiritual perception. To flow in the prophetic, to see people get healed, to see people be set free from demonic bondage, we need God's supernatural anointing! We need to detect the very source working behind the scenes. Is this thing just my imagination, or is it coming from someone else's human spirit? Is the source of the manifestation demonic? Is it in fact an angel? Is it the Holy Spirit? God doesn't just take the gift of discerning of spirits and plug it into you, fully developed though. Normally, it takes a lot of practice to get good at it, and some of your "discernment lessons" will involve making mistakes. This is why it so clearly states in our theme verse of Hebrews 5:14 that "the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil." Let's take practice lessons!" -- James Goll

Ahh yes the ole flowing in the prophetic teaching. Very common in these circles. So is the abuse of the term "anointing." You too can heal people and deliver them from demonic oppression if you could just learn to discern if the source of the manifestation is angelic, demonic or from the Holy Spirit! What kind of spiritual gobbledygook is this? To Goll, Hebrews 5:14 clearly states that we are to practice this kind of nonsense. The truth is that discernment is about doctrine, not our five subjective senses. It is through Scripture that we test everything and hold onto what is good. James Goll can't sell that though so his wickedly deceitful heart invents these teachings to bring the supernatural powers of God down to your level or more accurately, teach you how to usurp the throne of God. Mercifully he concludes:

This is a normal aspect of any learning process--and all the more when it comes to discernment, the prophetic and flowing in the supernatural life. This is part of your maturation as a disciple of Jesus, which always stems from Bible study, experience, and discipline. Don't forget--you can always ask God to give you more ability to discern spirits and grow into greater maturity. He wants this for us more than we want it ourselves! So join with me in "Surrendering Your Senses to the Holy Spirit" and together let's become more mature in our discernment for Jesus Christ's sake. Let's press on to the upward call in God. Yes, we can! And yes, we will by the grace of God! -- James Goll

No beloved. There is nothing normal about this. There is no "flowing in the supernatural life" that Goll is trying to sell you either. If we wish to mature as a disciple of Jesus Christ then we need to read His Word. If we wish to gain prophetic insight then we need to read His Word. If we wish to discern better what teachings are and are not from God then we need to read His Word. Notice that Goll lists experience right up there with Bible study? That is what he is really selling here. Abandon your senses and whatever you feel must be from God; except it does not work that way. Abandoning our senses means also abandoning common sense. It also means abandoning Biblical sense. In favor of what? What we experience? What we feel? So if we smell something off then the person or event must be deemed demonic? If we taste angel food cake it must be angelic? This is not discernment beloved it is witchcraft. God does not want us abandoning reason for spiritual psychosis based upon the deceitfulness of our lying hearts and the sinfulness of our carnal senses. If you have the gift of discernment you knew this the moment you read the title. If not, you still were able to test everything and determine that there is nothing good to hold onto regarding James Goll or this teaching.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- May 30, 2017

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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