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The NAR - Pitching Their Tent Toward Sodom

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This is a fantastic testimony to the power of prayer and how we should represent Christ. It also has nothing to do with what Ed Livoso is selling and he knows it. There is a vast difference between praying for our Pilates instructor and trying to conquer seven imaginary cultural mountains. This is the shell game the NAR likes to play. They know full well that their design is for global domination. They openly believe that Christ cannot return until they literally take over the world. Yet when offering examples of that they advocate for they offer up innocuous tales such as this Pilates story. Don't fall for it beloved.

"America will soon need a refresher course if her citizens are to sustain freedom. Secularized education has rendered Christian thought and biblical wisdom obsolete. Secularism's preeminence in newsrooms, sports, the Fortune 500 and medicine has led to the folly of a culture glorifying carnal man. Christians have now reached the point where it is a waste of time to reason with the "religious secularists" doing this to our country. We live in alternate universes. Evangelicals regrettably have established a subculture by hiding their light under a bushel outside of the public square. Unless the Spirit shortly awakens the conscience of America's youth, the sun is setting on America as the political, economic and cultural leader of the world. The American century will come to an end, unless we can resurrect the magic of the Founding Fathers and that Jesus is the greatest export of America, rather than democratic capitalism. Reiterating Founding Father Robert Hunt's prayer on landing at Jamestown in 1607, "We do hereby Dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth ..." There is good news: "I see a cloud rising, like a man's hand." In the public square, Gideons and Rahabs are beginning to stand." -- Ed Livoso

Finally at the end we come to the admission. This is not about praying for our Pilates teacher. It is about perceived lost freedoms, secularized education, newsrooms, sports, the Fortune 500, and medicine. It is about a culture that has decidedly moved away from Christ over the 200 + years of its existence. While Livoso is right about this fact he refuses to look in the mirror as do nearly all Christians. The NAR seeks to steal culture back from the secular forces without recognizing the colossal failure of the church that has led to this present day. For over three decades the world has watched the church devolve away from Christ! Is it any wonder they simply followed suit! The things of God may be foolishness to them but the things of this world they see very plainly. They saw the 1980s boom of televangelist charlatans fleecing the flock while promising healings never delivered and miracles falsified. They watched in abject horror at the holy laughter manure of the 1990s and as the purpose driven church model of growth exploded. They watched cult of personality pastors arise and buy mansions and Learjets while their sheep were left destitute and dying. They moved into this century watching the spasmodic and demonic twitching of Brownsville sow the seeds of Todd Bentley kicking people in the face to receive their healing. They watched the hypocrisy exponentially increase. The head of the National Association of Evangelicals was caught in a 20 year relationship with a male prostitute who he liked to do crystal meth with and the church said -- don't you judge! The world has watched in disgust as the church has aligned itself with political forces and deemed them righteous when they most certainly are not. In short, they have watched the church worship everything but God for 30 years and still have to endure people like Ed Livoso urging the church to double down on it. You can blame those darn secularists all you like but in the end, the world moved away from Christian values because it moved away from an apostate church. Those are not Gideons and Rahabs you see arising Ed. They are the seven sons of Sceva. Talking about things they do not understand with authority that have never possessed.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- February 7, 2019

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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