Let's be clear. If Burton is talking about a church that does not preach the Gospel, then I am on board with saying they need to go but that does not validate his unbiblical vision either. Sin and repentance are central to Gospel preaching. The rest of his complaint here is again directly traceable back to the seven-mountain heresy. The church is NOT supposed to be involved politically. There is no political party, platform or politician that cares one iota for the cause of Jesus Christ. Preaching politics is just another missed opportunity to preach the Gospel. The church has a role and it is not to alter society but rather to see people saved out from it. We are supposed to be pilgrims and sojourners not dual citizens. I get why people like John Burton want to pretend otherwise. In this world he gets to play the role of Apostle and be in charge of regions. In the real kingdom he would just be a slave to Christ and a servant. Bummer.
"4. Connecting with other churches is a no-go. Especially those that are aggressive in the pursuit of revival, holiness and a supernatural manifestation of God. They are happy within the four walls of their family gathering and they don't want any outside influences threatening that." -- John Burton
Hmm, methinks thou dost protest too much. Again if he were merely speaking about silo churches that do not preach the Gospel I would agree although the answer is not his regional authority vision of global domination. Individual churches however have a much better chance of preaching holiness than a mega church. As previously stated, pursuing revival is not the function of the church. We also do not need to pursue supernatural manifestations. Those things are up to God and accompany the proper preaching of His word. Now that Burton has vilified the vast majority of churches today, he moves into describing his hellish vision for what he calls a "kingdom church."
"Marks of a Kingdom Church. Instead of a list of attributes of a kingdom church, I'll draw this article to a close. I believe it's easy to deduce just what makes up a kingdom church by reviewing the opposing views above. The bottom line is that we absolutely must see a massive correction come to what we know as the church today. Regional and national revival is greatly hindered by a lack of true, kingdom churches that are in existence not for themselves, but rather for the advance of, well, the kingdom. Pastors, let your vision die. Let your church die. It's OK. Let the stress of growing your own little spiritual experiment in a tiny little Petri dish fade away. Even more importantly, get on board with what God has planned in your city. Let your personal endeavors go, as great as they seem to be, and contend with others in your region for an outpouring. Just gather together somewhere, anywhere, with governmental, kingdom leaders and other revival-minded people. Press into God's heart and intercede and advance exactly as God reveals to you as a part of the regional, governmental body. That's church. That's a kingdom church. That church will turn the world upside down." -- John Burton
What evil from the bowels of hell. Let your church die? No pastors it is not ok. If you are preaching the uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ do not let that vision die! It is not the heart of God to let local churches die in favor of false apostolic authority. The 12 apostles turned the world upside down but I do not recall any ridiculousness such as this. They did not strive for regional authority. The preached the Gospel and encouraged church family fellowship. Do not fall for this nonsense beloved. Read Acts Chapter Two. The role of the pastor is to preach the Gospel. The role of the church is to grow into maturity with a stature measured by Christ's fullness. Mercifully, this concludes:
"Grace in the Shift. In closing (for real, this time), I want to encourage you not to get jaded. Don't point fingers at churches or pastors. Understand that they have a mega-burden, and even if they aren't advancing the way reform demands, pray for them. There must be love and grace in the process and in the ultimate shift. Also, understand God is diverse and there are many different types of people giving leadership, and they have varying levels of ability, experience, gifts, offices, prophetic revelation and understanding of the purpose of the church. In fact, many will disagree with this article. That's OK. This doesn't mean we can't contend for transformation in the local church, but it does mean we must have grace in the process." -- John Burton
Yeah, no. I have no grace for wolves seeking to devour my brothers and sister. You must understand beloved. I do not speak to the sincerity of John Burton because I do not know him. His sincerity is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is to evaluate is his doctrine. After spending six pages mocking and belittling any church that will not come under his authority as being dead end or cul de sac, he tries to smooth it over by calling for unity and prayer anyway? No thank you. Read back through his words for I did not edit one of them. Do you see Jesus mentioned at all? What about the Gospel? This is a purely carnal man, with a carnal vision, casting carnal aspersions in pursuit of his carnal apostolic fiefdom. Make no mistake though. This is the future of the NAR and their blueprint for how we advance into a one-world religion. First get rid of the localities that might preach the truth. Soon they will call for the end to regions and it will shift to a more territorial model. Burton won't care because he will remain a false apostle with the authority he desires. From local to regional to territorial to finally a country based and unified world. Everyone then will get along but no one will get saved. That is the end game for the enemy and John Burton, consciously or not, is paving the way. We need to make sure to get off that path.