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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/15/22

The Office of Pastor and Abuse Versus Purpose Driven Hireling Complaints

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"9. Many pastors do not receive retirement benefits. Most founding pastors of nondenominational churches have no one on their board that ensures they receive retirement benefits. I have heard of countless pastors who have nothing saved in their later years, which forces them to work way past their prime. When a financially established church doesn't provide for its founding pastor's retirement, it can be a form of shepherd abuse." - Joseph Mattera

I will assume this has become less of a problem as time has gone on but simply put - pastors should have a retirement plan they can pay into like any other employee does. While it is a gross oversight if this does not exist, it should be easily fixed. Seems like Mattera is running out of complaints.

"10. Many pastors are used for their influence and lack true friends. Many pastors are lonely and lack true friends in their church. (I am not one of them.) Often, they don't know who to trust and confide in because so many people desire to use them for their influence. When few people are willing to cultivate true friendship with their pastor, it can be a corporate form of objectifying their shepherd. This is abuse." - Joseph Mattera

Let's be frank. This is self-abuse. There are plenty of God-fearing, scriptural brothers in every church that is preaching the gospel but too often the pastor does not rely upon them for fear of seeming needy. Same reason he will not rely upon his pastoral peers. I hate to bring this back up but this is simply the shared human experience. It is sad in many cases but does not belong on a list such as this.

"11. Pastors are expected to be experts in everything as well as theologians. Many pastors are expected to have all the answers related to financial challenges, real estate issues, people challenges and strategy. On top of this, they are expected to be theologians who give in-depth weekly messages. No wonder so many pastors burn out and leave the ministry! When a congregation expects too much of their pastor, it may be a sign of shepherd abuse. - Joseph Mattera

This is a direct outgrowth of preaching things other than the gospel. When you do seven-part sermon series on finances, you can expect that people will assume you are an expert on finances. When you are constantly making deals for your satellite churches perhaps that leaves people with the impression that you must know something about real estate. I would again offer that these are not reasons why pastors leave their pulpits. This entire list was a sham that does more damage to the profession of pastoring than good. Perhaps because it was born out of a desire to defend fallen pastors, who deserve every criticism they receive. Oh, that we would be more concerned with the sheep than the hirelings who God exposes! The damage Mattera does here is to trivialize real problems that pastors deal with by constantly claiming it is a form of abuse. Pastoring is a calling not a job. The true pastor preaches the gospel and points people to Jesus Christ. The rest of this is just purpose driven window dressing. All of these problems are derived from mutilating the church system that God set up in favor of the bastardized version we see today in this country. Until we expel the wolves from the pulpits this too will continue. Beloved if you have a good pastor who preaches the uncompromised gospel then cling tight and pray for him every single day because what you do not protect can be taken from you. Mattera is right about the devil striking the shepherd. Do not let it happen to yours as it is difficult to impossible to replace them, especially in these end days.

Reverend Anthony Wade - June 15, 2022

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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