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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/20/19

Local AG Pastor Defends Disobedience and Scrubs Page of Proof Provided

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2Timothy 1:5 and 3:14 -- the first one speaks about the faith of Lois and Eunice without one mention of teaching with authority over men in the church. The second one is Paul reminding Timothy to always remember what he learned as a child. As pointed out, no one is saying his mother or grandmother could not teach him as part of raising him.

Titus 2:3-5 -- is about teaching individual people sound doctrine. Nothing about the church at all. These are the games people must play to try and ignore the clear and directive scripture in the key verses. The third point here is one often made by Christo-feminists and that is that Paul was only speaking to a particular problem in Corinth. This ignores the fundamental belief that all scripture is God breathed. It is the same reason why the "Paul hated women" faux argument doesn't fly. God wrote the bible, not Paul. The fourth point here is another butchering of the roles women played. Romans 16 says that Phoebe was a servant and Priscilla was a fellow worker. That's it. neither one of them were leaders in the church and the text does not support that. I am all for allowing scripture to interpret scripture but that is not what White is doing here. He is using historical narrative, reading into it what is not there, making assumptions and then using all of it to ignore clear and directive scriptures. Sorry, it does not work that way.

"So what was Paul after? As with much of the Bible, we must sort out what was intended to be "universal," and what was meant to be "cultural" or unique to that particular setting. To say it is all cultural is a disservice to the text, and to say that it is all universal is equally wooden. It's clear that the thrust of Paul's concern was the issue of authority, and that would be the "universal" part of the matter. Since the Bible speaks approvingly of women in other settings being allowed to lead, teach and speak, women being silent or not teaching was clearly a "cultural" aspect unique to the Ephesus situation (where Timothy was serving in leadership at the time). (By the way, if you do not embrace a cultural dynamic to this section of Scripture, along with women never teaching, you will also have to insist that men always lift up their hands when they pray (v. 8), and women must never braid their hair or wear jewelry (v.9).)" -- James White

Once again, not the way proper hermeneutics are done. White's proposed method would leave it up to the individual reader what parts of the bible can literally be dismissed out of hand for cultural reasons. That is dangerous. It is the same way that certain worldly groups dismiss lifestyles of sin. They claim that at the time it was written their lifestyle was shunned but now it is acceptable. God and His word transcends time and cultures. Nowhere in the bible does it speak approvingly of women teaching men with authority. Not one single place.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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