6. You like the world less every year. If social media is any gauge of how many Christian leaders feel about our culture, the church is in trouble. And even if you're not posting on your social media is ALL CAPS, telling the world how bad it is, your attitude still matters. Negativity leaks. Constantly criticizing a culture is no way to reach it. I am constantly reminded that Jesus loved the world. He saw the mess, the brokenness, the godlessness and embraced us anyway. Jesus loved the world enough to die for it. You should care enough about the world to do the same. Don't Let Unimplemented Change Become Regret." -- Carey Nieuwhof
In the spirit of Christmas it is nice to end on a point of agreement. Carey is 100% right that the church is too enamored with pointing a finger at the world and screaming sinner. That is not evangelizing. I am not advocating for a sinless, repent-less Gospel beloved but preaching the Gospel correctly addresses sin in totality. The bible teaches us that we are to judge our brothers and sisters because we are their keepers but that judgement for the world belongs to the Lord. We need to get back to the basics beloved. We need to get back to the Gospel. It does not need to be made to appear relevant, palatable, or desired. How quick we forget that salvation is a supernatural act belonging to God alone. It is accomplished through the conviction of sin by way of the preached Gospel of Jesus Christ. That Gospel has done just fine for over 2000 years and it does not need the help of eloquent words of wisdom from carnally minded men.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- December 24, 2018