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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/23/24

Bicklegate Update - Kris Vallotton Butchers the Bible and Reason to Defend Bickle

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"If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. - Matthew 18:15-17 (ESV)

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When the allegations of Mike Bickle as a serial predator first came out the collective defense from the alleged leaders in the apostate church was predictable. The first rule of the Charismaniacal NAR Industrial Complex is to protect the brand at all costs. Bickle was a proven money maker and as such, the goal of many was to deflect and dissemble to try and make sure Bickle came out of this relatively unscathed. As time wore on however it became increasingly clear that he was guilty and probably of more than we were privy to. As such, the smart leaders started distancing themselves even as people like Steven Strang dug their heals in and pretended there was nothing to see here. Then two more victims came forward, both of whom stated the sexual abuse started when they were 14 and 15 years of age respectively. While Strang snapped a heel trying to dig in further, this was apparently the final straw for most as now they shifted fully into trying to salvage IHOP for the Industrial Complex even if Bickle had to be sacrificed. That seems true for most except Kris Vallotton apparently. Five days ago, AFTER the two victims who were minors came forward, Vallotton finally weighed in on Bicklegate. I am sure now he wishes he kept his lying false teacher mouth shut because the backlash was swift to his defense to the point that he has already apologized, quite insincerely. He tried to make it sound like an oopsie on his part but as you will see, his defense was full throated and the heart of a sermon. It represents how he truly feels, regardless of the spin control he is trying now. Let us reason through the above linked sermon as one of the falsest teachers, prophets and con men, tries to defend another. His reasoning is superbly absurd and as always, Vallotton shows why he should never try dividing the word of truth.

"Matthew 18 Jesus says if you have a problem with your brother go to them. If you can't reconcile find someone else that you both respect and have them meet with you. We are talking about reconciliation, not justice. Jesus says if none of that works then bring them to the church leadership. And the goal isn't to punish them but to reconcile them. He says then if that doesn't work, treat them as unbelievers. How do we treat unbelievers? We forgive them even though they don't deserve it." - Kris Vallotton

For the sake of your time, I start where he starts talking about the thrust of this message and even though he does not mention Bickle for a while, it is clear this is who he is referencing. First let us deal with the strawman argument Vallotton offers throughout this sermon. That we as the church are more concerned about justice than reconciliation when a leader falls. Yes Kris, that is correct and biblical. God is a God of justice. The truth needs to be known so healing can occur. What makes this a strawman argument is Kris is making the argument that we seek justice against Bickle as opposed to justice for his victims. You see, Matthew 18 does not apply here. Mike Bickle did not sin against me so I have no cause to seek him out first. Applying these verses is also wrong because Mike Bickle is clearly NOT our brother in the Lord. He lied about the false prophecies regarding the founding of IHOP along with two other serial predators and false prophets in Bob Jones and Paul Cain. He has continually used his authority as a minister to coerce and lure young women into his bed - for decades. I made these Matthew verses the key scriptures for this devotional to show how much of a liar and bible butcher Kris Vallotton is. We take along someone trusted to establish evidence with witness Kris, so it sure sounds like justice not reconciliation is the goal. The most egregious thing however is this ridiculous notion that Jesus is teaching to then treat the unrepentant by just forgiving them. The context actually says to treat them as you would a gentile or tax collector. Why did Jesus say this? Because tax collectors were reviled by the Jewish people because they betrayed them. So, the message is to treat them as someone you despise, not this candy-coated nonsense from Vallotton that whitewashes the sin and ignores the victims.

"That's; not what Jesus is talking about. Let's tell everybody about our problem on social media. By the way., let's confront believers in the midst of unbelievers and let them know how much we love one another when we are confronting people. Dumb and dumber." - Kris Vallotton

You Tube is also social media Kris. You aren't very good at this, are you? So, you are upset that people are airing this out on social media and you berate us for it on social media? By the way, it is a little rich to blame social media when the only reason it has blown up as such is the fact that IHOP leadership has tried to cover this up from the beginning. Smearing the victims, accusing the advocates of wanting to arrange a coup of Bickle, refusing to bring in an outside investigative source. I agree Kris, they have handled this like dumb and dumber and dumber yet still. Now, you are along for the dumb ride.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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