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Devotionals    H3'ed 1/23/24

Bicklegate Update - Misty Edwards Confirmed as NOT Ever Being Mentioned As Victim

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I had written an earlier devotional today about the statement released by Misty Edwards where she tried to say that she was the real victim of Bicklegate because she had been wrongly named as a victim, which she has refuted many times now in trying to defend her friend and benefactor, Mike Bickle. She decried having to be interviewed by three investigative teams but admitted they were all from the IHOP Executive Leadership Team (ELT), which means she was interviewed ZERO times by anyone with credibility. Her entire statement seemed to want to smear the three former IHOP leaders who tried to help Bickle's victims, while also smearing the victims themselves. It was a disgusting, self-serving, whiny morass that showed she still will defend the utterly indefensible in standing with an admitted predator. Now as it turns out, Misty Edward's primary complaint here, was also untrue.

I have long written about Edward's initial statement months ago as being very suspicious. The victim's group did not leak any names to anyone so the fact that Misty and April Rose came out claiming they were named looked like a false flag. This story about them being named was leaked for the sole purpose of them denying it. This allowed the Bickle backers to point to these two as an example of something being "wrong" with the accusers. Steven Strang of Charisma, a devoted Bickle whore, even used this nonsense to declare that Bickle had been exonerated! So, this was all bad enough back in October, but now Misty Edwards doubled down this past week in her new statement. This led to Dwayne Roberts, who is working with the victims, to issue his own statement. While there were many interesting revelations in it, including how the ELT lied to him and shared a confidential report with Bickle, there was also one other important nugget. The names and initials of the victims were NEVER revealed. You got that Misty? No one named you as a victim. To confirm this, a local IHOP figure, John Elving, has confirmed that the advocacy group has stated that Misty Edwards was never listed as one of the victims. Got that Misty? Never.

So, what happened everyone will wonder. There only two logical choices. One, Misty Edwards is an inveterate liar. She has perpetrated these egregious sins against the former IHOP leaders and Mike Bickle's victims out of some warped sense of loyalty, because in fairness, she owes everything in her professional life to him. It would be truly sad if this was the case. The second option, is that someone lied to Misty about being named and she bought it because she did not want to believe Bickle was as corrupt as he is now proven to be. Even though I hope this is the case it does not explain the angry statement this week pretending to be the victim. It is now public knowledge that Bickle is guilty. IHOP has severed all ties with him. We now have the first-hand account of the four-year con-job he used on a 19-year-old sheep to trick her into bed. He pretended God told him his own wife was going to die to further this ensnarement. Knowing these things, why would Edwards make this statement?

Either way, Misty Edwards has long been a mark and avoid, false worship leader, who was taught the "Jesus is my lover theology" by Bickle and IHOP. If we believe the second option, that she was duped, she needs to come out publicly and apologize for smearing the victims, the former IHOP leaders and repent. Anything short of that and I pray that even those who bought into her schtick will also mark and avoid her. God is watching people. He will not be mocked.

Reverend Anthony Wade - January 23, 2024

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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