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Defending the Indefensible Kenneth Copeland

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not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. -- 1Timothy 3:3 (ESV)

In case you missed it last month, secular news outlet Inside Edition cornered Kenneth Copeland to ask him some pointed questions about his ministry expenses, in particular his affinity for flying on swanky private jets. The result was Copeland looking very petty and almost demonic at one point as he tried to defend the indefensible. Inside Edition already had footage of Copeland yukking it up with fellow charlatan Jesse Duplantis when he referred to people who fly commercial as "demons." The best Copeland could offer when put on the spot was that if he flew commercial he would have to give up 65% of his ministry activities. So, 65% less people will hear your false gospel? Sign him up! Seriously, I thought this story had run its course and we could all move on to the next dire warning about marine demons from Jennifer Leclaire but then along came Stephen Strang from Charisma to defend Copeland at the above linked article. Let us reason once more beloved.

"As a journalist, I understand the media game. So when I saw how Inside Edition did an ambush interview with evangelist Kenneth Copeland--and how it was picked up by the Ft. Worth Star Telegram and Fox News online--I felt I needed to share my opinion. In my view, it was the "same old, same old" journalistic treatment of successful media ministers. At the same time, I believe other Christian leaders should stand with Copeland and let him know we believe he handled the situation well." -- Stephen Strang

Ok, first of all Stephen Strang is not a "journalist." He is a political salesmen disguised as a Christian. Secondly, the interview was not an ambush, that is absurd. This is how journalism is conducted in this country, especially with people who will never set up time for a real interview. Is Strang delusional? If Inside Edition called and asked for an interview to discuss how much of a whore Kenneth Copeland is do you think he would agree? When you are a public figure who has bragged from the pulpit as being a billionaire, questions come with the territory. Kenneth Copeland is a wolf and as such he has victims -- he is not a victim.

"Copeland could have closed the door and driven off, and some ministry leaders would have done that. Instead, he answered her questions and talked about spiritual warfare, the Abrahamic covenant, the number of people who have accepted Christ through his ministry and the millions of dollars they give to the poor. To me, it was if he was ministering to a brand-new audience on Inside Edition as he showed respect and love to the reporter, even praying for her by name. (The YouTube video has been viewed by 1.7 million so far plus whoever watched it on TV.) Of course, the media that picked up the story reported none of that and instead only focused on his use of a private airplane." -- Stephen Strang

Because the airplanes are the point. Yes that is plural because he owns three! The fact is he has made at least 700 million dollars from fleecing the flock of God. Millions of dollars to the poor? While that would be commendable that would be a drop in the bucket of what he has stolen. Accepted Christ through his ministry? What christ have they accepted?

"Kenneth Copeland can speak for himself. He doesn't need me to speak for him, and no one from his ministry asked me to record a podcast or write this newsletter with my insight on how the secular media covers ministries. In my opinion, this type of journalism is so predictable I could write the story and just leave the names blank. I saw this same thing four decades ago when I was in secular journalism. Then on the other side, I share on my podcast my unscripted thoughts about the integrity I've seen in Copeland and his ministry going back 40 years to when I first interviewed him in 1979. (Listen to the podcast right here or in this article.) I interviewed Copeland while sitting in the back of his prop plane all those decades ago. Charisma highlighted Copeland and his ministry on the cover of our June 1979 issue and explored his message of faith and abundant life--a message he has held to faithfully to this day." -- Stephen Strang

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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