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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/30/22

Dominionist - The Government is Meant for Moral People to Run It -LOL

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What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, as it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one." "Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive." "The venom of asps is under their lips." "Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness." "Their feet are swift to shed blood; in their paths are ruin and misery, and the way of peace they have not known." "There is no fear of God before their eyes." - Romans 3:9-18 (ESV)

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The local paper, the New York Post, has never turned a profit since 1976 when it was purchased by conservative billionaire, Rupert Murdoch. Recent estimates have the paper losing upwards of 70 million dollars per year. Why does Murdoch insist on being ok with losing that kind of money? So that he can keep his conservative ideology on the streets of liberal New York City. This propping up of political viewpoints is also seen in the apostate church. Dominionists idolize and worship this country. They think that they are creating a theocratic state and cannot see how they are being used, manipulated and cop-opted by the Republican Party. To prop up the "dominionist is good" teachings, they routinely publish books on the subject to be used to buttress their arguments. Because they know people do not wish to hear from the same old all the time, they come out with new authors and fresh faces to show how relevant their failed positions are. The latest is from someone named Terri Hasdorff who has a new book selling dominionist theology. The above link is from Charisma News this week as they are actively pushing this nonsense, as usual. Let us reason once more beloved.

"As I look back, I realize that God has given me a career path with some rather unique experiences. I have built bridges at the intersection of faith and government my whole life, and I have learned that serving people through a role in government can be just as important as serving them through a role in the church. To be involved in our communities is also to be involved in the political processes that impact them. Is it not better to prevent tragedy before we must race in and help heal it? The tragedy of corruption and betrayal of the people is happening every day in our modern system, and we do have the power to do something about it! Many Christians have quite simply forgotten our enormous collective power. The United States has the largest Christian population in the world and, more specifically, the largest Protestant population globally, with more than 200 million Christians." - Terri Hasdorff

I understand why Hasdorff wants to believe this is sound theology. She has been involved politically for some time now and wants to merge her faith with her work. It does not help that over the span of her career the NAR dominionist force has taken the church hostage. She remains seriously wrong however and it is highlighted by her underlying belief stated here as the government serving people can be just as important as the church. While probably agreed to by most dominionists, this is wildly absurd and borders on blasphemous. Let us be very clear. The government deals with solving carnal problems in this world and the church should be about solving eternal problems of the kingdom, namely salvation through Jesus Christ. Hasdorff believes wrongly that Christians would somehow be exempt from the corruption of this world if they were to get involved politically and we know this to be pure fiction. The inherent problem with all 200 million Christians banding together to vote is that the candidates will always remain flawed, sinful human beings. There is no righteous choice. That is why politics and faith do not mix. There are things both parties stand for that align with what we believe and both parties have things that are horribly out of alignment. God does not ask us to choose the lesser evil but rather to resist all evil.

Some simply do not believe that politics is something Jesus would call them to do, so they take no action other than prayer. But the truth is, He has given us the authority and ability to govern. The truth is that the government is designed for moral people to run it." - Terri Hasdorff

Here we come to another fundamental underpinning of Hasdorff' s beliefs that are simply wrong. The government is designed for moral people? Great, where do plan on getting them? Read the key verses! Morality is a measuring stick for the law and according to the law - none are righteous! All have turned away! The venom of asps is upon our lips! Our throats are open graves! The sinless perfection of Christ is what will keep us from eternal punishment but do not be confused. As long as we are in this mortal flesh on this mortal coil, we are sinful. Sure, we strive to keep the moral code but all fall short. Don't believe me? Just look at our history. Look at someone like Dennis Hastert, who was saved in high school and became a conservative stalwart in Congress for many years. He was often railing against the moral failings of then President Bill Clinton and was named to the Honor Roll of the Moral Majority. Turns out that Hastert was a serial child rapist prior to getting into politics. We can do this about nearly anyone. Even the current leader of the party Hasdorff would endorse is three times married and three times unfaithful. Jesus has not called us to politics. His entire life He was apolitical. His kingdom is not of this world. He came to deliver us from a far more formidable enemy, sin.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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