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Devotionals    H3'ed 1/8/24

Dr. Brown Goes Full-On Dominionist and Admits He Was "Wrong" About Mike Bickle

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For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. - Romans 1:16 (ESV)

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Dr. Michael Brown has enjoyed a storied career in ministry that includes a national radio program and has always garnered a good modicum of respect across theological divides. It seems things started to seriously unravel in the lead up to the 2016 election when he was as Pro-Trump as any pro-Trumper could be. Sure, he would sprinkle in enough opposing position to have a cogent defense from critics, but he had gone full dominionist during this time right up until all of the prophets he followed got the 2020 election wrong. He then started moonwalking away from outright dominionist philosophy while still espousing the essentials. He just learned to frame it better. Suddenly it was about "culture" and how Christians should have a voice in the public square too. It was very "seven mountains", while of course denying the seven mountains theology. This is much like when he wrote a book against greasy grace while calling Joseph Prince, the greasiest of them all, a "good brother in the Lord." The truth is that Brown became and still remains an essential gatekeeper of all things NAR dominionist and Charismania. That means he simply refuses to call out the silliest and most dangerous aspects of his beliefs by protecting the worst false teachers today. From 2020 until 2023 Brown has tried to rehabilitate his dominionist image posting many articles about how we do not worship man and how false the prophets and arguments were surrounding 2020. That apparently ends today as 2024 brings with it a new important announcement from Dr. Brown in the link above.

That announcement is he is going full-on NAR dominionist. He is eliminating the "Ask Dr. Brown" portion of his ministry. This was as he puts it; the bible answer man portion and he has deemed this inconsequential to his singular focus on the culture wars. Now he tries to couch this, as he couches everything, by claiming he does not believe in "taking over" culture but that is exactly what he advocates for. In this video he claims that all Christians are in the "line of fire", the name of the other portion of his ministry, which will now be the sole focus. Included is a new half hour program designed to prepare people for the battle. Because this is a war, as any good dominionist will argue. What is so diabolical about what Satan is doing here is that he has diverted the Christian attention away from the true war between good and evil and turned it into a war of Christians versus the unsaved. You know, the people who actually need the gospel. So those godless heathens who are ruining society are now in the crosshairs and the truly sad thing is Dr. Brown refers to this as advancing the gospel, when it is nothing of the sort. Legislating behavior will not save one single soul. You can wrap your Jesus up with barbed wire all you like but, in the end, he will just end up cutting people to pieces before they can be saved. It is so sad to see someone so learned specialize in missing the point so spectacularly. In this video Brown for example becomes agitated about Marxism. As if individual economic theory matters to God. Today's deep theology is that it does not. It does not matter if someone believes in Marxism, Communism, or Capitalism, as economic theory. They all need the gospel and they all can be saved. Not from their preferred economic desires but from their sinful ones. If you think Capitalism is sin free, then you simply have not been paying attention very well. Here is the thing. We can debate economic theory all day long, but it will still have nothing to do with the cause of Jesus Christ. Make no mistake about it though. Dr. Michael Brown is now full board NAR dominionist and his ministry efforts are going to increasingly represent these facts. Helping people understand the bible so that they might lead more godly lives and be transformed into the image of Christ? Yeah, not as important as right wing boogey men such as critical race theory. Once again, truly sad.

Dr. Brown used the second half of this one-hour program to discuss the ongoing Bicklegate debacle at IHOPKC. He said he would open the phone for calls but ended up filibustering his own show. I will just review the salient points for consideration today:

1. When referring to the fact that IHOPKC has now permanently separated from Mike Bickle, Brown claimed he "didn't know" why they chose to do that. This tactic is a common Brown weapon. When I confronted him years ago for going on the Benny Hinn show he pretended to not know any of the false prophet allegations against Hinn. Please. My cat knows Benny Hinn is false and he is agnostic, as far as cats go. The reality is that I am 100% confident that Dr. Michael Brown knows how to use Google. The reasons for the separation are widely known and easy to find. It seems odd that you would plan a national radio program knowing you would be talking about a story and not actually research that story. Dr. Brown kept using the phrase "if" Mike Bickle did something. There is no more "if" Dr. Brown and you know it. Bickle lured a 19-year-old sheep into a four-year sexual relationship by prophelying that God showed him his wife would die so they could one day get married. It is based on this that Stuart Greaves stepped down and IHOPKC permanently severed ties with Bickle.

2. "If Mike Bickle did something here than I was obviously wrong, but it doesn't change the quality of the man I knew." - Dr. Michael Brown

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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