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Election 2023 - Pushing back on Dr. Michael Brown's NAR, Dominionist Propaganda

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For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. - James 2:10 (ESV)

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We have written extensively about how Dr. Michael Brown is a gatekeeper for everything NAR dominionism. He is clever in that he always couches his writing and throws the occasional bone in every direction to confuse the readers into thinking he is somehow not a political animal. Granted, I think he learned from his mistakes better than most, but we will not be gaslit into believing that 2015-2020 simply did not occur. Brown was a vocal Donald Trump pusher and only started backing off when he realized he actually lost in 2020. As such, his message this time around is better tempered but lurking in the shadows is the same political animal. Brown simply believes that the Republican Party is the only choice for Christians. His reasoning is flawed but it is in line with the apostate church today. Sure, he is not as extreme as Mario Murillo or Greg Locke, but he is possibly more dangerous because of how the even temperedness distracts you from what is essentially the same message. One of his latest articles is linked above where he tries painfully to teach that voting is directly linked to the church doing its work. It is not of course. Just ask China, the Middle East or any country not named America. Brown bases a great deal of his reasoning here on a Capstone Report article from 2018. That is the second link above. It is this report we will be responding to in this devotional. Brown correctly cites Paul as teaching that we should pray for kings and those in authority. What Brown does not connect is that Paul never expressed HOW people should vote for those people in authority. That is the difference of what Brown and the NAR sell and the bible. Dr. Brown and his ilk have already decided who we should vote for and in doing so they turn a blind eye to the evils their choices represent because they are so focused on the evils they perceive in the other candidates. Ironically, Brown correctly recognizes that all politicians lie but he is asking Christians to vote a certain way as if the people he chooses are not also lying! His premise here remains so fundamentally flawed. God's church can do the work it is charged with regardless of whether we like the political climate of the day. Only the bankrupt dominionist theology thinks that God cares one whit about our carnal politics. He does not. So let us reason together through the Capstone Report that Brown so prominently relied upon in his article.

'"Often the only choice open to the Christian in a particular situation will be a choice between evils; but he will realize that it is not a matter of indifference whether the greatest possible, or the least possible evil comes to pass, and that that to help to bring about the greatest evil by refusing, out of a mistaken perfectionism, to choose the least is surely to be guilty of dereliction of duty." "C.E.B. Cranfield' - Capstone Report

Yeah, no. This is SUCH a carnal argument. The notion that God wants us fooling around with ANY evil is biblically absurd. The larger problem here is our determination of the lesser evil is based upon what a lying politician says and is entirely subjective. Does anyone honestly think when we stand before Christ, we will get an "attaboy" for choosing evil? It is in the choosing of evil that we are derelict as Christians. What is worse however is when the NAR brags about their evil. They promote their evil. They confer righteousness unto their evil. The fact that this report chose to open with such a ridiculous quote reveals we are dealing with a heavy NAR dominionist viewpoint. So, buckle up.

"Was voting for Donald Trump wrong? Was it a betrayal of Christianity? That is the narrative offered by progressives. Who can forget Southern Baptist ERLC chief Russell Moore claiming Christians supporting Trump betrayed everything they believed? It was sickening and theological malpractice." - Capstone Report

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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