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Devotionals    H3'ed 7/6/23

Enough with the NAR Dominionist Whitewashing of Slavery

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You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking what is right. Selah. You love all words that devour, O deceitful tongue. - Psalm 52:3-4 (ESV)

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As repeatedly stated in this ministry, the NAR Dominionist heresy is the last idol of the church age. The vast number of churches in this country already bow to this altar, most without even realizing it. The bottom line scripturally for us is that we are citizens of heaven, not America. God does not approve of dual citizenship. We are supposed to be pilgrims and sojourners merely walking through this land to our eternal promise, trying to take as many people with us as possible through the gospel. Our job is not to conquer cultural mountains, demand the unsaved behave like Christians or set up a theocracy. At the heart of the problems with this theology is the clear delineation made by dominionists that one political party is evil and thus they confer righteousness to the one they support. The truth is neither party cares a whit about the cause of Christ, while some in the Republican Party pay lip service to the apostate church. Both parties are evil and the very best argument one can make is a lesser of two evils argument, which is entirely unbiblical. Imagine standing before Christ trying to explain why you thought something was a "lesser evil" when we are commanded to avoid all appearances of evil!

At the lead defense for Dominionism is Charisma News, a virtual cesspool of false teachers and horrific teaching. Don't believe me? Currently on the front page of their website are no less than 15-20 articles about the church and this country, most of which are just utterly heretical and inaccurate. The core teaching of NAR dominionism pretends that America was somehow founded by rogue evangelicals who wanted to actually set up a theocracy but who somehow have drifted from God. Some of them pretend God is in covenant with America. Some even dare to teach that America has essentially replaced Israel, a most blasphemous charge. Leading the pack for the many dominionists at Charisma is Eddie Hyatt. Eddie writes about only two things and one of them aint the gospel. He primarily twists the bible to defend women as pastors and promote dominion theology. It is bad enough how pitiful Eddie's biblical acumen is but his grasp on American history might be even worse. Beloved, the history of this country is not unknown. It was recorded. Is America the best experiment in secular history? I certainly believe so but to pretend that it was a Shangri-La of faith, or a Christian utopia is patently absurd. Not only does Eddie rewrite history to fulfill the NAR narrative but now he has taken the charge to specifically pretend that slavery in this country was somehow not as bad as reported. It becomes harder to idolize the founding fathers if they were all rabid slaveholders. The article linked above, released for the Fourth of July is his latest attempt to whitewash, literally, slavery in this country. It is important as believers that we stand for the truth. Our God does not believe in Machiavellian philosophy. The ends absolutely do not justify the means. God is in charge of the ends. We are responsible for the means. Let us reason once more so that we can reflect the truth and the lost can see that we do not distort history or the bible in pursuit of NAR dominionist dreams.

"America's Founders are under attack. Their monuments are being toppled and their names removed from schools and other public buildings. Children are being taught that George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were evil, rich slaveowners who formed this nation to protect their wealth and maintain the institution of slavery. This twisted history of America is dividing and destroying her. The truth is that at a time when slavery was being practiced in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and many parts of the world, America's founders turned against it." - Eddie Hyatt

If by under attack you mean the truth being told, then yes. I also do not think their statues are being torn down across this land. That seems a bit hyperbolic. I also have never heard the charge that the founding fathers formed this nation to protect their wealth and slavery but to pretend the American Revolution was not based on economics is to be ignorant of history. Were Washington and Franklin rich and slave holders? Absolutely, not to mention how they became rich. Most in that day earned their riches through agriculture propped up through slave labor. This is not to disparage anything Washington and Franklin did positively, and they did a whole lot positively. We do not however need to pretend that they walked around with halos because they most certainly did not. Hyatt's opening argument, which he loves making, is that when they decided to turn from slavery was earlier than other countries, as if that matters. It does not. Not to mention that the US was decidedly late to abolish slavery as compared to other countries.

The more interesting thing here is the projected notion that telling the truth about history is somehow twisting it and dividing and destroying America. It is very interesting because the true culprit in the division and destruction of this country is the apostate church that Eddie is proudly a member of. This nation is bitterly divided by political party and policy and the church has taken sides, demonizing anyone who dares to disagree with them politically. Some preachers like Greg Locke and Mario Murillo have gone as far as to condemn to hell anyone who has the temerity to vote for the Democratic Party. In doing so, they idolize and prop up absolutely vile and evil men within their party of choice as somehow being biblical when they are not. This is obvious to the lost who see hypocrisy very well, thank you. It is a ridiculous strategy as a church to villainize the very people who need the gospel and remove over 50% of the lost as "irredeemable" simply based on carnal voting patterns. It is the utter idolization of this country and this world.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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