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Devotionals    H3'ed 11/28/23

Fake Biden Prophecy and the False Theology of the NAR Speaker of the House

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Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. - Matthew 12:30 (ESV)

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Every now and again there are a couple of similar stories that do not need their own entire devotional. I usually gather them up for a segment called This Week in Charismania. This week we have to two stories listed and linked above. The first is from false prophet Charlie Shamp pretending God gave him a vision about Joe Biden. Realize of course that the NAR and its gaggle of false prophets like Shamp, hate Joe Biden because he is a Democrat. They mistakenly believe that because they hate him, God must as well. So, they just make silly stuff up like we will see with the scamp, Shamp. The second story from Charisma News claims that Rolling Stone has somehow slammed men of faith in Jim Garlow and the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. The quotes provided from these charlatans perfectly illustrates how poor dominionist theology is, so we will review it. So, let us reason once more together.

The first story takes us into the depraved mind of a NAR false prophet. Now remember, they serve their political masters who demand fealty to the Republican Party, not Jesus Christ. Charlie Shamp is a popular false prophet on Charisma News because he hits the sweet spot for both charismania and dominionism. He falsely prophesied that Trump would win reelection as well as multiple blunders in the 2018 midterm elections. Because the people following the apostate church only care to confirm their own bias, he just keeps putting out false political prophesies.

"Prophet Charlie Shamp, Co-Founder and President of Destiny Encounters International, shared a prophetic vision the Lord gave him regarding the leadership of the United States who made the declaration, "America is a nation of Pride." "I was taken in a prophetic vision where I saw the 46th president of the United States. I observed with keen interest that this man's feet were not made of sturdy flesh and bone, but rather, they were composed of fragile clay. "Without warning, a rock, seemingly hurled by an unseen force, struck his clay feet with such force that it shattered the delicate balance he had maintained. The impact was so great that he was instantly toppled, falling to the ground in a cloud of dust and debris." - Charisma News

Uh-huh. First of all, the Lord did not give him any such message. Prophets either hear from the Lord or they do not. One false prophecy and we know to mark and avoid the false man of God. Shamp was not wrong once. He is always wrong. As for pride, the Shampettes of the NAR are constantly whining that people do not have pride in this country when they should. The problem is not pride for them but rather what you are prideful about. They want everyone to be prideful in their revisionist history that pretends this country was always a Pentecostal Shangri-La, that all the founding fathers worshipped Christ, and they actually wanted to create a theocracy. Those are all lies by the way. So, Joe Biden's feet were only made of clay? Gee how convenient for a man that hates Joe Biden to be miraculously given this confirmation from God! Beloved, like Biden or hate him, the bible says to pray for him. God raises up all earthly leaders so like it or not, Joe Biden was God's choice, and He will use Biden's good or evil for His purposes. The sham continues:

"Then, the Spirit of the Lord spoke, His voice resonating like a thunderclap in the silence that followed the president's fall. He declared with an authority that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, 'The man who stood tall and proud before you will fall and will not rise a second time. His reign is at an end.' "The Spirit continued, His voice filled with a stern warning, 'I am removing him due to his pride, for pride precedes a fall.' The vision ended as abruptly as it had begun, leaving behind a clear message of divine intervention at hand. As with all things, Christians should abide by Paul's instruction in 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21: "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Examine all things. Firmly hold onto what is good." What would the fulfillment of such a prophecy bring with it in America? Time will tell, but in the meantime, God is in control of today and the coming trials. In that, we can take peace and solace until the Lord returns for His people." - Charisma News

This is so beyond the point of absurdity. The guy that missed the 2020 election by over seven million votes and got all of the 2018 election prophecies wrong, is again prophesying the results of the 2024 election! If God was going to remove leaders for their pride, we would have no leaders left. Mind you this is a calculated false prophesy. Biden is getting up there in age. Should something happen where he can't run, Shamp gets to pretend God has spoken through him. If not, he is banking on Donald Trump beating him. Why not, all recent polling says Trump would beat Biden in key battleground states. This is however reminiscent of when false prophet David Taylor said God told him the Broncos were going to win the Super Bowl and they lost 43-8. Heck it was a 50-50 guess, but God does not like to be mocked. Or when Pat Robertson said God told him that the following summer would see multiple disastrous hurricanes devastate the east coast of America. That summer, not one hurricane reached shore. Oops. God does not like to be mocked. Or when Benny Hinn in 1990 gave himself a ten-year window by claiming God told him Fidel Castro would die in that decade. Hinn just missed by 16 years, oops again. God will not be mocked. Mark this down beloved because this huckster has now prophesied that Joe Biden will not be reelected, and I fear that may seal Biden's victory because God will not be mocked like this. It is not quenching the spirit to call out false prophets - it is biblically required of us. The second story this week was an article on Charisma News that stated the magazine Rolling Stone had slammed pastor Jim Garlow and the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Let's start with this nugget:

'In a recent Rolling Stone article, Pastor Jim Garlow and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson were brought to attention for speaking about the need of prayer and ignition to renew America's spiritual condition. While the media could not fathom the actual spiritual implications of the growing culture around us, Garlow and Johnson were brave enough to actually discuss what the ongoing issues are from a Christian perspective. Johnson questioned whether or not the Lord would allow America to continue on its current pathway without judgment. "The only question is: Is God going to allow our nation to enter a time of judgment for our collective sins?...or is He going to give us one more chance to restore the foundations, return to Him? This is going to be a shaking that might help answer that question."' - Charisma News

Notice the duplicitous way this is framed. If Mike Johnson, Jim Garlow or anyone simply wanted to say that prayer is needed ignite renewal in the spiritual condition of the country, nobody, including Rolling Stone, would find that newsworthy. That is not what they said. What they did say was this hodgepodge of bovine excrement that passes as NAR theology these days. What they said, is that God is set to judge America because of this false NAR notion that it has abandoned God. Think about the spiritual implications on both sides here. The first inference is that if the United States would just go back to the way it was in the late 1700's then God would stay His hand of judgment. Would he? The United States back then was still in the process of genocide against the indigenous peoples found here and was still the greatest trafficker of slavery in the world. Most of the Founding Fathers were not Charismaniacal Evangelicals either. Some were atheists. Some were believers. Some were deists, which did not believe in Christ as the Son of God. Thomas Jefferson dismissed Jesus as God by removing all references to His deity and miracles when he rewrote the bible. The other side of this illogic is that God's hand of judgment could be stayed for anything. One of the deeper flaws of dominionist theology is the belief that we can do something behaviorally, which will stop the spiritual judgment of God. That is absurdly unbiblical. So, let's play their illogic out, shall we? Let's say that Mike Johnson gets what he wants legislatively. Let's pretend he is able to pass all the laws he wants to create this utopian theocracy. Has anything changed spiritually? Of course not! The spiritual condition of the people and country in 1823 is the same as in 2023. Those who believed on Jesus will be saved and those that do not, no matter how many theocratic laws we pass, will not be saved. God will judge as He has promised.

The second inference Johnson makes here supports the NAR false theology of nations versus people. When the bible references nations being judged, it is of course referring to the individual people within those nations. Whole nations themselves cannot repent. Compounding this false teaching is the notion that repentance means believing as Mike Johnson and the apostate church does. The NAR idolizes this country and the excessive sin it allows. They bow down to the power, wealth and fame it provides them. They not only vote for men no more righteous than the ones they slander but they demand everyone else in the church do the same in order to secure salvation. They literally teach that voting for one party is righteous and the other is evil when both are equally evil.

'While this sentiment that America could actually deserve punishment perplexed the media, Johnson's statement went further with a hope-filled message. "Look, I believe God is about to do something," Johnson said. "I'm an optimist...I believe that there's a remnant of faithful people and He'll guide us through; I don't think God is done with America yet."' - Charisma News

Except Johnson thinks the NAR dominionist, apostate church is the remnant, and they most certainly are not. We must realize their theology centers on America, not the kingdom. To them God is not done with America yet, as if He has been in covenant with this country, which many dominionists believe. This is of course anathema, as only Israel is in covenant with God. The church is grafted in, not America. Mario Murillo preaches that you either vote his way or go to hell. Greg Locke preaches with his adulteress that anyone voting Democratic are witches and demons. Bill Johnson, rabid dominionist, embraces every heresy under the sun, including grave sucking, dead raising teams, prosperity gospel, false signs and lying wonders and word faith, to name a few. Dr, Michael Brown is the gatekeeper for all things Charismania and dominionist. He writes for Steven Strang, one of the fiercest dominionists alive today, as well as a Mike Bickle enabler. This is just random, off the top of my head but Mike Johnson believes these are the leaders of the remnant of God. Lord help us because this troupe has led more people down the broad path to destruction than we may ever know. The gospel has absolutely nothing to do with America or any other country. We have also poisoned the church world with our false teachings, which now cover the globe in spiritual darkness. God is not done with America yet indeed - He is coming to judge.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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