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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/27/20

The Aimless Zeal of NAR Revival Chasers -- "No Sermon was Preached"

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So from that day on they made plans to put him to death. -- John 11:53 (ESV)

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist focused theology. They are apostate by nature, which means they have fallen away from sound theology and wandered off into myths. They worship this world because of the sin and excess it allows while pretending to be "above it." When Jesus walked the earth the Pharisees had all of the religious power, even within an oppressed society. They were the most respected. They held all of the desired seats at the banquets. They prospered materially. That is why when a young carpenter from Galilee showed up preaching that He was the Son of God and healing everyone they viewed Him as a threat to all they had. It was in fact after the raising of Lazarus from the dead that these men worried that if they allowed His ministry to continue that everyone would end up following Him. That is where we find the key verse for today. After performing a miracle over death itself, those with the religious power decided from that moment on that He could not be afforded to live.

Fast forward to today and those with all of the religiosity power are the apostate church, the false prophet networks and the NAR. They love this world as the Pharisees before them because they have the most desired seats at the banquet. The purpose driven heresy has made them the most respected and the cult of personality pastors that everyone reveres. They get the mega churches, mega-mansions, and lucrative book deals. That pesky carpenter from Galilee is still there though, poking holes in their falseness and leading people away from their darkness and into His glorious light. So the powers that be will stop at nothing to silence the truth in favor of their preferred paradigm of conquering seven imaginary mountains of culture, starting as always with the government.

Most however will not rally around the message if it were strictly political so they put lipstick on their pig. They instead convince the masses that we are all chasing "revival." True revival means an increased desire for the things of God. There was the Great Welsh Revival of 1904 followed closely by Azusa, which ushered in the current Charismania we see today. These of course were revivals within the church, as they are supposed to be. The problem is that decades of seeker friendly church theories and self-centered sermons has created an entitled and bloated apostate church that cannot see themselves as anything less than Joel Osteen says they are. So the focus of this coming revival is now placed on the world. The same world that the bible tells us the things of God are foolishness to. So the truth they never own up to is that the bible never promises this grand end times revival they chase. In fact, it promises a great end times apostasy and the NAR is actually leading that phenomena. Lets us briefly see this NAR, apostate, revival chasing mindset in the short article linked above.

"I've heard it said many times lately that revival is coming. I believe that to be true. In America, you can feel it in the air. It's almost tangible. Whether it's the magnification of the fear and unrest that we have been feeling as a country or the idolatry of a political spirit that is attempting to suffocate our everyday lives. No matter the culprit, it's obvious to me that a unifying agent is needed to bring us out of our current state and into God's glorious plan for His people." -- Michael McIntyre

So the protests and police killing citizens leads you to believe revival is on the way? The utter divisiveness in this country makes you believe revival is coming? Let me explain why it is not. The church could have been the vehicle through which God could have delivered revival for the lost citizens of this country, but the problem is that the church took sides. The NAR dominionist church picked winners and losers. They declared one half of America righteous and the other half evil. I have seen absolutely absurd posts from local pastors declaring that no true Christian could support the Democratic Party. From the get-go, consigning half of the people to hell over carnal politics. Alienating half the people that need the Gospel message. Worst of all, conferring righteousness upon the Republican Party when they are just as evil. It is ironic hypocrisy that McIntyre decries the idolatry of a political spirit while supporting people who completely idolize their political spirit.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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