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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/14/23

The Charismatic Oprah of Angels - Personal Angel Slaves for Everyone!

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For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. - 2Corinthians 11:13-15 (ESV)

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Recently we highlighted a newer face on the crazy Charismatic circle. Blake Healy is the Director of the Atlanta based Bethel School for Supernatural Gobbledygook. Healy employs a new grift, however. He sells the notion that he has mundane and routine contact with angels. Now there are some folks who play around with silly angel theologies like Jennifer LeClaire, but they stop way short of defining their ministry by it. LeClaire for example only dabbled to sell a book where she claimed to be able to command and release the angels of abundant harvest. Ugh. Healy's claims are equally ludicrous and lead people astray. False signs and lying wonders may seem harmless but they are not. Misrepresenting God and His word always produces victims. Angels exist. They are completely biblical. What hucksters like Healy do is take the one biblical nugget and simply make up nonsense out of whole cloth and pawn it off as being spiritual because they know it is not biblical. Let us reason together through the above linked short article from Healy.

"As a "seer in the spirit" from a very young age, Blake Healy says that, although he had the ability to do so, he didn't feel a natural compulsion to interact with angels. As he grew older and got more involved in the ministry, Healy began engaging more and more with angels in the spirit realm. And, as he became more knowledgeable about them, some people began to pepper him with questions about "guardian" angels, who they are assigned to and what exactly they are tasked to do." - Charisma News

Let's start with the key verses today which find Paul teaching that false teachers should not be surprising to us since even the devil disguises himself as an angel of light, as do his servants. The most famous false angelic example of this is Joseph Smith and his claims that an angel visited him in the woods behind his upstate New York house and gave him a new gospel writ upon golden tablets. From this absurdity, Mormonism was born, and Smith added two books to the canon of scripture. This is why God included in the bible that even if an angel gives us a new gospel, we are to mark them accursed. Look, if Blake Healy claimed to have had some interactions with angels that might be vaguely believable, although unlikely given his apostate association with Bethel. He is claiming perpetual interactions with angels all of the time since he was a child. We can also discern that the number of ridiculous things he clearly makes up leaves us with only one of two conclusions. Either Blake Healy is a liar, or he cannot discern that he is having demonic visitations over and over again.

"In his first book, "The Veil," Healy, the director of the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry, revealed the different kinds of angels he has seen over the years. Those include what he calls "protection" angels. Healy notes that many of these angelic beings "stand near the front door of people's homes (or churches), looking far off into the distance, with their main mission being to offer a 24/7 security presence for the human who are present inside that particular dwelling place." Healy has seen all types of angels since he was a child. He's seen worship angels, whom he says take a great amount of time to prepare a room where a church or worship meeting will be held, or simply a gathering of believers. These angels are often seen floating above the room with bowls in their hands that hold different colored liquids symbolizing different properties of blessing that God would like to bestow upon those people who choose to come to that gathering." - Charisma News

Ok, so protection angels stand guard at your door like security and for some reason are staring off into the distance. This kind of teaching is born out of the false theology of Bethel, where we are elevated, and God is diminished. We are so special. We merely "partner" with the creator of the entire universe! So why wouldn't God give us our own security detail? They float above the room with bowls of different colored blessings? Did Kat Kerr write this nonsense? Once again, Bethel promotes this blessing theology as well where God exists to bless our socks off because of how wonderful we are! Remember Bethel is the place where the false glory clouds were pumped in through the air conditioning vents. They claimed to find gold dust, gemstones and angel feathers. What's a little multi-colored blessing bowl theology? Just par for the course.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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