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Titans of Heresy Have Joined Hands - Benny Hinn and Greg Locke are Now Best Buds

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Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." - Luke 10:20 (ESV)

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The purpose driven, seeker-friendly industrial complex is a billion-dollar industry selling out the church and making merchandise of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They try very hard to enforce the notion that the false do not eat their own. When pastors step out of line with the cabal, they lose the cabal perks. They do not get the $100,000 honorariums for visiting churches on the circuit, first class air and hotel accommodations. This as an example was what was provided by Brian Houston's scam known as "Hillsong Family." For example, Mark Driscoll was once considered the bad boy of modern evangelicalism. Preaching in Mickey Mouse tee-shirts and speaking intrusively about sex from the pulpit he also lashed out correctly at people like Joel Osteen, one of the most lucrative of money producers and sources within the cabal. Driscoll famously stole $230,000 in tithe monies and became a belligerent source of abuse to his church. So much so he was forced to step down and just as he was about to face discipline, he fled. While in exile, it was Robert Morris who facilitated his return to the favorable graces of the cabal by allowing him to speak at a conference at Gateway Church. This was after he bowed down to kiss the Osteen ring by apologizing. This led to Driscoll getting a new church in Arizona where he still pretends he did nothing wrong despite all of those bleeding sheep he left behind in Seattle.

I say this as the backdrop to the curious case of Greg Locke, false teacher. Mr. Locke is a more recent bad boy within churchianity. The niche he has carved out for himself within the crazy NAR dominionist wing of the apostate church is known as deliverance ministry. This is the Charismaniacal belief that everyone "has a demon" that they need to be delivered from. Never mind that a true born-again Christian cannot have the indwelt Holy Spirit and demons sharing the same space. Mixed in with this demonology, Locke's dominionism was always on the edge of crazy. He routinely holds book burnings at his church because he has deemed anti-Christian topics as being worthy of being burned. You know, like Hitler did. Locke has preached that anyone who does not vote as he does, are irredeemable and going to hell. He literally said he did not want them in his church, a very odd perspective on the Great Commission. Amidst this bad boy, angry, hateful ministry, Locke wrote a book speaking against the false teachings of Benny Hinn! Of course, Benny is a 60-million-dollar asset of the cabal, so Locke eventually would pay for this and that day has apparently come. Maybe Locke realizes the real money is on Benny's side rather than YouTube charlatans like Marcus Rogers and Mike Signorelli. Either way, Charisma News is of course trumpeting this change of heart for Locke, regarding Hinn and his previous criticism of him. Let us reason again through the above linked article.

"For too long, devils have been running rampant across America. Without a body of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit to cast them out, who else was there to stop them? As the manifestation of demonic influence is claiming territory around the world, two titans of deliverance ministry have united in the cause of driving it back. In a recent live interview, Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church and Benny Hinn sat down together in a surprise union. Why is this so shocking? Because for years Locke had decried Hinn and others like him as false prophets, and even wrote a book against him called "Blinded by Benny."' - Charisma News

These are the "demons behind every bush" crowd in Charismania. In order to have any relevance, they have to pretend that every problem a Christina faces must be a result of demonic forces. Nonsense. I think we often think we are more important than we are. Sometimes life is life. Either way, the notion of casting demons out of followers of Christ is not supported biblically. Even the questionable verses at the end of Mark's gospel do not say that we will do such. The bible does however say that false teachers will perform false signs and lying wonders to deceive. These are not two titans of deliverance beloved. They are two titans of false teaching.

'Now, you would think they had been friends for years. That is the unification power of the Holy Spirit at work, and not only has past offense been humbly done away with, there are strategies in the works for increasing deliverance ministry. "This is the greatest need in the body of Christ," Hinn tells the audience watching the live interview. "Anyone who is afraid of deliverance has a demon," Hinn adds. Discussing the 'revival' of deliverance ministry of which Locke is at the forefront, Hinn shared of his own experience over the years of casting out demons from people.

The screaming, throwing up, foaming at the mouth, all things that both men of God had witnessed and agree needs to become a mainstay in Christianity again. "This is the number one ministry of Jesus," Locke proclaims. "He cast out more demons than anything else that He ever did."' - Charisma News

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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